1.다음은 IT 회사에서 엔지니어로 근무하는 Ms. Kim과 동료의 대화이다. Ms. Kim이 동료에게 건네주는 물건으로 가장 적절한 것은?
[Background noise: office sounds, keyboard typing, people chatting]
W :
Alex, I have the new files for our project on this USB drive. Can you look at them?
M :
Thanks, Ms. Kim. But don’t we usually share files online? Why are you using a USB drive?
W :
Well, these files are really important and should not be shared with everyone yet. I thought it’d be safer this way. Also, we need to talk about them in our meeting tomorrow.
M :
Okay, I understand. I’ll look them over and prepare for our talk. Thanks.