Lesson 5 Productive Collaboration

Prep for NCS


2. 다음은 은행에서 대출 업무를 담당하는 Ms. Kim과 외국인 고객의 대화이다. Ms. Kim이 받은 고객의 명함 내용 중 잘못된 것은?

M :
Hello, I’m interested in getting a loan. Are you the right person to speak to?
W :
Yes, I’m Sunny Kim. I handle loans here. How can I assist you?
M :
Great! Before we proceed, here’s my business card. [Handing over the card] I’m Robert Turner, a marketing manager at GlobalTech. You can reach me at 120-450-7890.
W :
Thank you, Mr. Turner. I’ll keep this. Let’s discuss the loan details.