Lesson 1 Job Hunting

Section 1 Exploring Careers

Situation A. Talking to a Career Adviser

Listen Up

W :
Hey, Junho. How’s everything going?
M :
Hi, Jessica. I’m not doing so well. I’m trying to find a summer job, but it’s hard!
W :
That’s unfortunate. Why do you need a summer job?
M :
So I can make some cash.
W :
What will you do with the extra cash?
M :
I’ll save most of it. But I’ll spend some of it on things I need, like clothes. And I would like to get a bike.
W :
Cool! So, what kind of job are you looking for?
M :
I don’t really know. That’s why I’m looking through the newspaper to check every possibility.
W :
Have you ever met with a career adviser?
M :
No, I haven’t.
W :
I went to see one last week. She helped me find a job, so I’m sure that she could help you as well. I highly recommend setting up an appointment to see her.
M :
Oh, nice! Then maybe I should go and talk to her, too. Could you give me her contact info?
W :
Of course! I’ll give you her email address. You should contact her as soon as possible. She will definitely help you find a good summer job.