A World Without Discrimination

Exploring a Sample Speech

A. Listen to the beginning of the lecture. Check the researchers’ three findings.

Hello, my name is Derald Wing Sue, and I’m an Asian American professor who has been studying racial microaggressions for many years. Today, I’m going to talk about the racial microaggressions around us. Before we cut to the chase, I want to ask you this question. If you want to understand racism, do you ask White individuals or people of color? In fact, when a clash of racial realities occurs, it is highly likely that it is mainstream groups that possess the tools such as education, mass media, peers, social groups, and institutions to define and impose realities on other groups. Researchers have found that: first, unconscious racial biases exist among dominant-group individuals; second, these biases often appear in the form of unintentional discrimination; and third, disempowered groups have a more accurate assessment of reality than do dominant groups, especially relating to whether discriminatory behavior is bias-motivated. Therefore, it is important to listen to the perspectives of people of color and the oppressed to gain a fuller understanding of racism and oppression.