Hello, I’m David Brown from the National Science Foundation, and I’m going to introduce a newly developed product. (Showing a wing-suit), Have you heard of a wing-suit? It is an article of clothing that allows people to glide through the air. It’s quite different from the flying vehicles you are familiar with, like airplanes or helicopters, isn’t it? (Showing a sugar glider) This cute creature is called a sugar glider. Its name comes from the fact that it loves sweet food such as sugar and honey, and because it can glide from tree to tree. We invented clothing imitating the ability of this cute animal. We invented the wing-suit based on this ability. The sugar glider glides by means of a “patagium”―a thin membrane of skin covered with fur. This gliding membrane stretches from its hands to its ankles. When flying, the animal is able to control and change the size and shape of the membrane by changing the position of its limbs. Meanwhile, its tail also helps it manage the flight. The sugar glider is able to glide up to 45 meters at a time. When finishing a glide, it uses its sharp nails to cling onto nearby branches. After several years of research and observation, we were finally able to invent this wing-suit. I hope this video helps you understand our invention in detail. Thanks for watching. Bye.