Hello, everyone. I have an interesting topic today. Have you heard about animals that have incredible abilities that humans do not possess? In the animal kingdom, there are some species that are able to regenerate to a greater degree than others. More than simply regenerating new skin over a wound, they can regenerate entire limbs or other body parts that have been detached for various reasons. For example, planarians, a kind of flatworm, have a surprising capacity to regenerate. As little as half or even less of an individual can regenerate into another specimen. And some species of starfish exhibit regenerative capacity when an arm is lost. They can either regrow a lost limb or spawn an entirely new individual from a detached body part. The zebrafish also stands out for the regenerative capacity of its tail fin and heart. Finally, certain lizards can voluntarily detach part of their tail to distract predators. Regeneration then begins, but the new tail does not usually grow back as long as the original one.