It was fantastic to see you here, Yunho!I hope you had fun with our club.Playing badminton is both entertaining and great for fitness.You should come back for our singles and doubles competitions.
Guest :
Thank you for inviting me.I didn’t realize that playing badminton could be such a fantastic way to stay active and healthy.
Club Leader :
It really is.It’s an excellent option for cardio training and maintaining a healthy weight.
Guest :
I should come more often, then.Are there any other benefits?
Club Leader :
Of course there are.Playing badminton increases your balance.It can also help relieve stress and improve your mental health.
Guest :
Wow! I had no idea that playing badminton could even help me improve my mental health, too.I should recommend it to my friends as well.
Club Leader :
It would be wonderful to have more people who share a common interest.Everyone is welcome to join our club.