Welcome to our gym.I’m Sarah, and I’m a trainer here.I specialize in creating personalized fitness plans.
M :
Hi, I’m Daniel.I want to get in shape, but I’m not sure where to start.
W :
You’ve come to the right place, Daniel.Let’s start with a body composition analysis.
M :
Sure. That sounds good.
[After the analysis]
W :
Your bones make up 15% of your weight, which is normal.
M :
W :
But you have 30% of non-essential fat.
M :
I see.
W :
Your muscle tissue is at 25%, which is below average.We’ll need to work on increasing that number.
M :
All right.
W :
Don’t worry.We can design a plan suitable for your body type.In my opinion, you should begin with cardio training.This workout includes running, jumping rope, and using a stair climber.
M :
Well, I’m not really a fan of any of those.
W :
Then how about trying one of our group classes, like indoor cycling?They’re fun, and you’d be working out with a group of people who have similar goals.
M :
Sounds interesting.I’ll give it a shot.
W :
Let me set up your schedule, then.What times of day are best for you?