Lesson Goals 단원의 주제와 관련된 질문에 대해 생각해 보고, 자신의 목표를 설정해 봅니다. Workplace Project 1, 2 짝 활동 또는 모둠 활동을 통해 다양한 직무 상황에서 마주할 수 있는 과제를 해결해 봅니다. Into the JobWorld / Promising Careers in the Future • 단원의 주제와 관련된 다른 여러 나라의 직무 문화에 관한 글을 읽고 의견을 나누어 봅니다. • 미래의 유망한 직업에 관한 글을 읽고 의견을 나누어 봅니다. Communication Focus 1, 2 / Check Up • 각 Section 에서 배운 의사소통 기능을 정리하고, 본문에 쓰인 표현들을 복습합니다. • 단원에서 배운 내용을 점검하고, Self-Check 를 통하여 학습 목표를 얼마나 성취했는지 스스로 평가해 봅니다. Basic 문항을 통해 단원에서 최소한 성취해야 할 목표를 달성했는지 확인합니다. Prep for NCS ‘직업기초능력평가’ 유형의 문제를 통해 다양한 직무 상황에서 쓰는 영어를 익히고 평가에 대비합니다. Section 1, Section 2 단원에서 제시한 직무 상황을 두 가지 Section 으로 구분하여 학습합니다. Warm-Up을 통해 해당 Section 과 관련된 내용을 추측하고 배울 어휘를 익혀 봅니다. Situation A, Situation B 각 Section 을 연관된 직무 상황 A, B 로 구체화하여 학습해 봅니다. • 각 직무 상황과 관련된 동영상 자료로 학습자의 흥미를 유발하고 이해를 돕습니다. • 직무 상황에 따라 Listen Up , Speak Out , Read On , Write Right 와 같은 활동을 합니다. JobHunting 25 24 Lesson1 A MainCommunicativeFunction 1. Askingaboutspecific reasons •Whyareyou interested in this internshipposition? •Canyou tellmewhatmakesyou thebestchoice for this job? • 2. Askingabout jobexperience •Doyouhaveanypriorexperience insales? •Couldyou tellmemoreaboutyourpriorexperience insales? • 3. Talkingabout jobexperience • Iworkedpart-time for threemonthsasasalesassistantatasmallelectronicsshop. • Ihad theopportunity toworkwithmanypeople invarious roles. • Ihave threemonthsofsalesexperience. • 4. Expressinggratitude •Thankyou foryour time/help. •Thankyou forconsideringme for the internship. • • I think/feel that .... • Itseems tome that .... • Inmyview/opinion, .... Expressing opinions 1. Listen What is thebest response to thewoman’squestion? Basic ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 2. Listen Whatdoes thewomansuggest themando inorder tofinda job? ⓐ keep looking through jobadsonline ⓑ talk toa careeradviserwho canhelphim finda job ⓒ ask familyand friends if theyknowaboutany jobs I3-4 I Listen Listen to thedialogueandanswer thequestions. 3. What is themanstudyingathighschool? ⓐ art ⓑ marketing ⓒ accounting ⓐ I thinkyou can find theapplication formonourwebsite. ⓑ You shouldwritea résuméanda cover letter. ⓒ I thinkyou canaskyour careeradviserwhich job is right foryou. ⓓ You should search the Internet to find someuseful interview tips. I5-6 I Choose thecorrect response foreachquestion from theboxbelow. 5. Howcan Ifind theapplication form? Basic 6. Howcan Iprepare fora job interview? 4. Whichdepartmentdoes themanwant towork in? Basic ⓐ theHumanResourcesDepartment ⓑ theProductionDepartment ⓒ theSalesDepartment Icanwritea résuméandcover letter. Icanfillouta jobapplication. Icanparticipate ina job interview. Icanmakea résumévideo. A : Doyouhaveany selling 7. ? B : Yes, Ido. Iworkedpart-timeasa salesassistantata smallelectronics shop. A : Howmuchexperiencedoyouhave? B : Ihave threemonthsofexperience. A : Okay.Whenareyou 8. to start the internship? B : I can start immediately. Self-Check In this lesson... Ibelieve that thecompany’s focuson innovationmatches mycareergoals. Whyareyou interested in this internshipposition? Didyouachieveyourgoals? Whatneedsmoreeffort? I7-8 I Complete the job interviewandpractice itwithyourpartner. B UsefulExpressions Review the followingexpressionsused inLesson1.Thenwriteonemoreexamplewith the samecommunicative function. You canfind examples amongwhat you’ve learned. JobHunting 27 26 Lesson1 Artificialintelligence(AI)letscomputersdotasksweusually think only humans can do, like seeing and understanding pictures, talking and listening, analyzing information, and giving advice.AI also combinesmany types of smart technology together to help computers think, learn, and solve complex problems. AI experts are like techmagicians because they help create these versatile computer systems that can continuously improve,make decisions, and handle various types of information.They know a lot aboutAI anduse their knowledge tomake coolnew things. If you want to find your dream job, it’s important to acquire the necessary work skills. Generally,work skills can be divided into two types: hard skills and soft skills . Both are necessarytobesuccessfulonthejob,buttheyaredifferentfromeachother. Hard skills are concrete skills that are specific to your job and are required for you to actuallydo yourwork.For example, if you’re a gardener,planting treeswouldbe ahard skill. If you’rea computerprogrammer, codingwouldbeahard skill. Soft skills , on the other hand, are interpersonal skills that can be used in every job. These include communication, teamwork, and adaptability.Soft skills canbemoredifficult todevelop than hard skills as they require practice over time in the realworldwith others.Additionally, they are harder to evaluate and are best demonstrated through experience and in-person interactions, rather than simply listing them on a résumé.Employers usually have towait until an intervieworyour first fewweekson the job tounderstandyour soft skills. Despitetheirdifferences,bothhardandsoftskillsarenecessarytogetyourdreamjob. AI Experts Theymake chatbots forwebsites,help computers recognizepictures, and teach computers to understandwhatwe say. Theywork in special areas like deep learning,where computers learn a lot from big amounts of data, and evolutionaryAI,which learns fromhow thingshappen innature.These expertsuse trickymath tomakeAIevenbetter. In the business world, AI experts are invaluable. They analyze company data, like sales figures and customer opinions, to improve decision-making. Theirworkwith AI helps businesses understand challenges, foresee trends, andmake informed choices,proving that theyhave an essential role inourdata- driven era. In the future,AI expertswill become evenmore important. They will lead the way by creating new and exciting changes in different kinds of businesses using newAI technology. Promising Careers in the Future hard skills teachableandmeasurableabilities, suchaswriting, reading,math, or theability tousecomputerprograms soft skills traits thatmakeyouagoodemployee, suchasgoodetiquette,communication, andgettingalongwithpeople vs Hard Skills Soft Skills VS Whatare the two typesofwork skills? Whydoyou think it is important tohaveboth for findinga jobyou’llenjoy? Howdoyou thinkAIexpertswillchange thewaycompaniesoperate in the future? Shareyour thoughtswithyourpartner. Q u e s t i o n Q u e s t i o n measurable 측정가능한 concrete 구체적인 adaptability 적응능력 versatile 만능의,여러방면에능한 foresee 내다보다,예견하다 era 시대,시기 Prep for NCS 1. 다음은 IT 회사에서엔지니어로근무하는 Ms. Kim 과동료의대화이다 . Ms. Kim 이동료에게건네주는물건으로 가장적절한것은 ? ① ③ ② ④ 2. 다음은 물류 회사 채용 담당 부서에서 근무하는 Ms. Kim 과 회사에 지원하려는 남자의 대화이다 . Ms. Kim 이 남자에게안내한입사지원서제출마감시간으로가장적절한것은 ? ① 8:00 ② 10:00 ③ 15:00 ④ 17:00 3. 광고 회사 직원인 Ms. Kim 이 급한 개인 사정 때문에 회의에서 예정된 발표를 할 수 없게 되었다 . 이때 동료에게 14 Lesson1 UtilityStatistics 실용통계 fluent 유창한,능숙한 intermediate 중급의 Step 1 Read the following résuméandfill in theblankswith themissingsection titles from theboxbelow. Writing a Résumé Education TechnicalSkills / Languages WorkExperience Hobbies/Interests Junho Kim 107Hannuri-ro,Sejong-si 014-855-5193 | jhkim @ email.com Objective Positionasa sales internatTech Industries (1) Coursework • 3rdgrade:MediaEnglish,UtilityStatistics,MaterialsandEnergy • 2ndgrade:WorldCultureandEnglish ( A + ) ,EarthScience ( B ) ,AIMath ( A - ) • 1stgrade:WorldHistory ( A + ) ,LawandSociety ( A - ) ,Literature ( A ) Awards/ PerfectAttendanceAward ( 2ndgrade ) ,SchoolExcellenceScholarship Achievements ( 2ndgrade ) ,AwardofService ( 1stgrade ) J K (2) • Part-time jobatanelectronics shop:a salesassistant for threemonths • Nursinghome volunteering ( two years ) • Book club:member ( 1stgrade ) , leader ( 2ndgrade ) • Class vicepresident ( 1stgrade ) (3) • Videoediting, coding,CPR • English:Fluent • Japanese: Intermediate (4) Fishing, cookingandbaking, photography, videogaming, travel JobHunting 17 Warm-Up Applying for a Job Outof the threecompanies listedbelow,choose thecompany that interests you themost. Thendiscusswhy youchoose thatcompanywith yourpartner. A. Completeeachshortdialoguewith thecorrect response from theboxbelow. 1. A : Excuseme.Canyouhelpme finda jobapplication form? B : 2. A : Canyougivemeauseful tip forpreparing fora job interview? B : 3. A : Hi! I ’ m thinkingaboutmakingavideo résumé. B : C. Chooseasuitableword from theboxbelow tocomplete the followingsentences. 1. Thereare three for the job,andallof themare friendly. 2. I ’ ve submitted five job to the company so far. 3. The roleof sales is to sellproductsand fulfill customerneeds. 4. I think areagreatopportunity to showyour skillsandenthusiasm for the job, so it ’ s important topreparewell for them. B. representatives interviews candidates applications ⓐ That’sagreat idea!Video résumés canbeagreatway to showyour competencyand personality. ⓑ Absolutely!You should research the company inadvance soyou’re familiarwith its historyandmission. ⓒ Of course! I thinkyou shouldvisitourwebsite first to find the form. •Salary:$ 2 0,000 •Workinghours: 1 0a.m. to 4 p.m. •Overseas training opportunities CompanyB •Salary:$ 3 0,000 •Workinghours: 9a.m. to6p.m. •Tuitionassistance CompanyC •Salary:$ 4 0,000 •Workinghours: 9a.m. to6p.m. •Workingextrahours onceor twiceaweek CompanyA JobHunting 9 Exploring Careers Warm-Up Whichof the following is themost importantwhenseekinga job?Rankeachwordor expression inorderof importance. A. Match the imagesandkeywords to thedefinitions listed in theboxbelow. B. ⓐ apersonwhogives studentsadviceand informationabout jobsand careers ⓑ anannouncement inanewspaper,website,orappabouta job thatpeople canapply for ⓒ apersonwhomatches candidateswith jobopeningswithina company ⓓ adocument thatprovidesa summaryofan individual’seducation,workexperience,and skills recruiter 1. 2. jobad careeradviser 3. résumé 4. workhours job location companyvalues work-lifebalance workenvironment salary careergrowth benefits Circle thewordorphrase thatdoesNOTbelong ineachof thewordgroups listedbelow. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. candidate applicant intern host résumé cover letter signature application form sales marketing design part-time active cooperative official energetic 12 Lesson1 Get Ready Whatare themanand thewoman talkingabout? ⓐ writinga résuméanda cover letter ⓑ makinga self-introductionvideo ⓒ fillingoutanapplication form Finding a Job 2 . Checkwhether the followingsentencesare true (T)or false (F). (1) The companyplans tohiremore thanone intern. T F (2) The sales internatTech Industrieswillbeworking ina teamenvironment. T F (3) Applicants cangetdetailed informationabout the internship from thewebsite. T F Read On 1 1 . Read the jobadandfill in theblanksusing thewordsgivenbelow. Sales Intern Needed Tech Industries is seekingone sales intern to joinourgrowing team.Asa sales intern, youwill playan important role inhelpingour companyachieve its salesgoalsand learnaboutourproducts and services. •Assistwith salesandmarketingefforts •Learnaboutour company'sproductsand services •Helpachieve salesgoals •Maintainandupdate customerdatabasesand records •Active,energetic,and cooperative •Strong communication skills •Ability toworkwell ina teamenvironment • Interest in salesandmarketing If youare interested inworkingasan internata stable company,please visitourwebsite formore informationon the internshipandhow toapply.Please include yourdateofavailability in your résumé.We look forward tohearing fromqualifiedapplicants soon! (1) : (2) : Duties Experience Qualifications Education 10 Lesson1 Talking to a Career Adviser Get Ready What is theconversationmainlyabout? ⓐ managi ganallowance ⓑ looki g forapart-time j b ⓒ gettingabachelor’sdegree 2 . Whichof the following is trueaccording to thedialogue? ⓐ Themanhasa specific summer job thathewants toget. ⓑ Theman is looking fora job inanewspaper. ⓒ Thewomangota summer jobonherown. 1 . Which isNOT included in theman’swish listof thingshewants tobuy? Listen Up WISH LIST $20.00 $249.99 $489.97 ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 3 . Complete the followingsummary. Themanneeds (1) but ishavingahard timefindingasummer job.After talking tohis friend,hedecides to followheradviceandgoandseea(n) (2) . When listening, try to focuson thecontext cluesprovided in thedialogue. Ifyou know themeaningof thewordsorexpressions (e.g., summer job,career ), itcanhelpyoubetter understandwhat the speakersare trying to say. 18 Lesson1 Get Ready Filling Out a Job Application How is themanplanning toapply fora job? ⓐ inperson ⓑ byphone ⓒ online QR 1 3 Fill in theblanks tocomplete th man’s todo list. 1 Apply forTech Industries' internship •Deadline for submission:By (1) •Note:Be sure to send theapplication form, (2) , and (3) byemail. 2 Return thebook to the school library ... Listen Up 1 Wherecan themanfind theapplicatio form forTech Industries? Tasks to Be Done This Week ⓐ AboutUs ⓑ Careers ⓒ Business Vision Internship Products 2 What is theman likely todoafterhangingup thephone? ⓐ readanemail from thewoman ⓑ arrangeameetingwith thewoman ⓒ checkout thewebsiteofTech Industries While youare listening toaconversation, it is helpful toconcentrateonand rememberkeywords suchas internship,application,website,email address, résumé, and cover letter.
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