Working with Coworkers 53 Getting Along with Coworkers Warm-Up Match the words or phrases to their definitions. 1. temper • • ⓐ the tendency to become angry very quickly 2. colleague • • ⓑ a guided visit to familiarize new employees with the office facilities 3. office tour • • ⓒ a person who works in the same organization or profession 4. employee ID card • • ⓓ a form of identification issued to employees, containing personal information B. Who do you prefer to work with and why? A. thoughtful, analytic, reflective, and detail-oriented outgoing, collaborative, confident, and adventurous Person A Person B Complete each short dialogue with the right response from the box below. 1. A : Guess what? I finally got promoted! B : 2. A : This is my first day, and I’m a little nervous. B : 3. A : How about asking for help from your manager? B : 4. A : I didn’t meet my sales target for this quarter. B : C. ⓐ That’s a good idea. I’ll do that. ⓑ Really? That’s too bad. ⓒ Don’t worry. You’ll fit in well here. ⓓ Congratulations! You totally deserve it!
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