Job Hunting 9 Exploring Careers Warm-Up Which of the following is the most important when seeking a job? Rank each word or expression in order of importance. A. Match the images and key words to the definitions listed in the box below. B. ⓐ a person who gives students advice and information about jobs and careers ⓑ an announcement in a newspaper, website, or app about a job that people can apply for ⓒ a person who matches candidates with job openings within a company ⓓ a document that provides a summary of an individual’s education, work experience, and skills recruiter 1. 2. job ad career adviser 3. résumé 4. work hours job location company values work-life balance work environment salary career growth benefits Circle the word or phrase that does NOT belong in each of the word groups listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. candidate applicant intern host résumé cover letter newspaper application form sales marketing design part-time active cooperative official energetic
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