
Reflect encourages students to motivate themselves by reviewing their learning progress. D. Choose orwrite down the one thing that you believe is themost crucial factor in the pictures below concerning the enhancement of social relationships. Then share your efforts to improve itwith your classmates. 1.Give youranswer to theunit’sopeningquestion: Q How canwe enhanceour social relationships in schools? 3.Writeand share yourfinal thoughts. e.g. I have learned how to take notes effectivelywhen listening to lectures or participating indebates. 2.Take amoment to reflect on the knowledge you have acquired throughout this unitandassess yourprogress. Ican understand andorganize the contentwhile takingnotesduring a lecture. organize a presentation logically by dividing it into an introduction,main body, and conclusionwhenpreparing it. effectively counter theotherperson’sopinion anddefendmyown viewpointduring thedebate. conduct comprehensive research on the topic at hand using reliable sources and critically evaluate the information. cooperatewithmy classmates during a debatewhile effectively sharing the roles thatwe have toplay. objectively evaluatemy team’s performance andmy own performance, and then prepare for abetterdebatenext time. Reflect Effective Communication Respect Trust YourOwn E. Replace the underlined expressionswith the alternative ones you have learned in Nuts&BoltsofDebating earlier in thisunit,and then rewrite the sentences. [Voicing anobjection] 1. Idisagreebecauseonline friendships can’t replace talking face-to-face. → 2. I see itdifferentlybecausehavingvarious friendgroups canhelp students learn from eachother. → [Defending aposition] 3. Myposition isbasedon the idea thatopen communication leads to stronger friendships. → 4. Letme explainwhy Ibelieveolder studentsmentoringyoungeroneshelpsunite the school. → 40 I Unit1 The ImportanceofSocialRelationships 41 Joining the Debate allows students to choose their debate topic and participate in activities before, during, and after the debate. Organization Organization Step4 OrganizeYourS Write your arguments in a ■ AffirmativeConstructiv 2. Collaborate with your classmates to discuss the above motions and collectively selectone for theupcomingdebate. Motion: Before the Debate ■ NegativeConstructive Introduction ·Explain themotion. ·Clarifyyourposition. Body ·Describe theproblem withpeople’s commo beliefs. ·Providepersuasive arguments (evidence, examples, and source citations). Conclusion ·Summarize the affirmativearguments Introduction ·Expressyour disagreementwith th motion. Body ·Pointout theproblem withpeople’s commo beliefs. ·Providepersuasive arguments that refute themotion. Conclusion ·Summarize the negativearguments. Step 1 ChooseaTopic 1. Read the followingmotions and then add yourownmotion to the list. Step2 ChooseSides Determinewhether youwill adopt the affirmativeor negativeposition. Step3 BrainstormandResearch Take some time tobrainstorm your thoughts and ideas.Whatdo you know about the topic? What do you think about it? What are your arguments for or against the topic?Once you have agood understandingof the topic, start researching to find evidence to support your arguments. Socialmedia enhances true social connectedness. Friendships aremore important than romantic relationships. It isbetter to have a few close friends thanmany shallow friends. People aremore likely tobe friendswithpeoplewho are similar to them. Note An affirmative constructive speech presentsbasic arguments in favorof the motion. Note Anegative constructive speech presentsbasic arguments against the motion. Note Choose adebatable topic that sparks interest and allows foropposing viewpoints. Joining the Debate ResearchTips foraDebate The tipsbelowwillhelp guide your research efforts and ensure you’rewellprepared for thedebate. 1.Understand the topic anddefineyourposition. 2. Identifykey arguments. 3.Conduct thorough research from credible sources. 4.Evaluate sources critically. 5.Takeorganizednotes. Tip 34 I Unit1 The ImportanceofSocialRelationships Wrap Up concludes the unit, covering presentation, debating strategies, culture, and summarizing the debate. After theDebate ection the following questions to reflect on your own performance and to in the upcomingdebate. tivelydidyou collaboratewithyour teammates? inion,didyoumakepersuasive arguments in thedebate? youdowell, andwhat couldyou improveon? Wrap UP Evaluation ng on your team’s performance, rate the following aspects of the n a scaleof1 to 5,with 1being the lowest and 5being the highest. kers’ statements clearly supported theirposition in thedebate. 1 2 3 4 5 kers’ statements appeared tobewell researched anddocumented. 1 2 3 4 5 tsandresponseswererespectful to theotherspeakers. 1 2 3 4 5 tswerespokenatagoodvolume. 1 2 3 4 5 tswerewell-structured,covering introduction,body,andconclusion. 1 2 3 4 5 werespecific toopposingargumentsandexpressedwithclarity. 1 2 3 4 5 showedevidenceofgood listeningskills. 1 2 3 4 5 ngargumentsandstatementswereeffectiveandconvincing. 1 2 3 4 5 adhered to therulesof thedebate. 1 2 3 4 5 llcollectiveeffortof thedebate teamwaseffective. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Comment: C. Each country’s cultural context influences how students utilize socialmedia. Select a country and research how students there utilize socialmedia platforms to enrich their relationships and interactionswithin schools. [e.g.] InGermany, various socialmediaplatforms arewidelyused.Studentsusemessaging apps forgroupchats tocoordinateschoolprojectsandevents,whilephotoandvideosharingplatforms allow them to sharevisualcontent, fosteringasenseofcommunityandconnection throughvisual storytelling. Culture A. While listening to the speeches,write the instructor’sname, job,and lecture topic. Name: Job/Work: Topic: 1. 2. Name: Job/Work: Topic: B. Read andfill in theblankswith the expressions in thebox. • I have adifferentperspective • I’m not sure I agreewith thatbecause • The evidence consistently shows that • Letme explainwhy Ibelieve Jason: Relationships have a significant impact on quality of life, as strong social connections promotebettermental andphysicalhealth,providing a senseofbelonging. Clara: quality of life can be influenced by various factors, such as personal achievements and individual fulfillment; it’s not solely dependenton relationships. Jason: relationships are crucial. strong social ties lead to lower rates of depression, higher levelsofhappiness, and improved resilience in the faceof adversity. Clara: : I believe that quality of life is subjective and can differ greatly from one individual to another. For some, personal achievements and self-fulfillmentmightholdmoreweight indefining theirqualityof life. ationships 39 Presenting Yourself equips students with effective presentation strategies, involves reviewing a sample presentation, and engages them in presenting their own ideas. out the lecture. ng? mind when using social media for social dents? ions in schools? ers to the questions above and the e lecture. t it to theclass. A Strategy B Expressions IntroducingYourselfand theTopicofYourSpeech Nuts & Bolts of Presenting Structuring a Presentation A presentation can be divided into three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Introduction Youneed to explain the subject andpurposeof yourpresentationwhile gaining the audience’s interest and confidence.Keep inmind that themain aim of the introduction is tograb the audience’s attention and connectwith them. Body You need to provide support for your main message. You should discuss each of yourmain points in a clear and logical order.When planning your presentation,write a list ofmain points youwant tomake and ask yourself “What am I telling the audience?What should they understand from this?” Thiswill help you produce clearmessages. Conclusion You need to summarize the key points. In the process, remind the audience of the significance of the topic, the aims of your talk, and how you havemet those aims.Thank the audience for their attention and invite them to comment or ask questions. At thebeginningof a speech, speakers typically greet the audience, introduce themselves, andpresent the topic.Here are some common expressions. •Good morning, everyone! I’m Emma Thompson , a student at Riverside HighSchool . Today, I’llbe sharing insightson the impactof socialmediaon friendships . •Hello, I’m AlexChoi , currently a 10th-grade student at MaplewoodHigh School . My presentation today focuses on friendships evolving from childhood to adulthood . •Hello, fellow students! I’m Emily, and I’m excited to discuss the impact of socialmediaonour lives. ( witha familiaraudience ) •Morning, everyone! I’mGreg, your classmate.And I’m excited to sharemy projecton family communicationwithyou. ( witha familiaraudience ) [Name] [SchoolName] [Topic] [Name] [Grade/Year] [SchoolName] [Topic] Presenting Yourself Note Making eye contactwith membersof the audience is agreatway to connectwith themone-on- one,making them feelmore involved. (For moredetails, seepage 11 and the appendixon page168.) Source: Structuring yourpresentation (www.anu.edu.au ) 29 From Presentation to Debate explores both the pros and cons of a debate topic, learning strategies for successful debating. Read theopinions about themotionbelowandanswer thequestions. 1. Underline themain ideaof eachopinion. 2. What supporting ideas aregiven for eachopinion? For Against Nuts&BoltsofDebating OpinionExamples For Social media enhances social connectedness by providing various ways to communicate and connectwith others. These ways include staying in touchwith distant friends and family, as well as building new relationships. Studies show that regular use of socialmedia is associatedwith higher levels of social connectedness and support. Socialmedia also facilitates the formation of online communities based on shared interests and values, providing a platform onwhich people can discuss topics they are passionate about anddevelop a senseofbelonging. Furthermore, social media can be a powerful tool for social activism and community organizing, bringing together individuals with shared values and goals to create positive change. Although itmay have some disadvantages, socialmedia has the potential to foster social connectedness andbringpeople together. Against Socialmedia does not enhance social connectedness but rather creates a false sense of it.While it allows us to keep in touchwith friends and family members, these connections lack the richness and intimacy of face-to- face interactions. Spending toomuch time on socialmedia can also lead to social isolation and loneliness, and research has shown that socialmedia use is associatedwith increased levels of anxiety, depression, and stress. Moreover, socialmediamechanisms can contribute to the breakdown of community and socialunityby creating echo chambers and discouraging open dialogue and debate.While social mediadoeshave somebenefits,wemust recognize its limitations and potential negative consequences.As a society,we should strive for genuine,meaningful connections and prioritize face-to-face interactions. Motion Socialmediaenhances truesocialconnectedness. Voicing an objection Defending a position • Idisagreebecause ... • I’mnot sure I agreewith thatbecause ... • I see itdifferentlybecause ... • Ihave adifferentperspectivebecause ... •With alldue respect, Imustdisagreebecause ... •Thatmaybe true,but I think the reality is ... • Myposition isbasedon ... • Letme explainwhy Ibelieve ... • Myperspective isgrounded in ... • What I ’ m saying is ... • To clarifymyposition ... • Here ’ swhy I ’ m confident inmy stance ... FromPresentation toDebate ro resentation to ebate Note echochamber a situation in whichpeople hear opinionsofonly one typeoronly opinions that are similar to theirown A Strategy B Expressions The expressions below can be useful when expressing opposition to another person’sopinion anddefending yourown. PresentingObjections&DefendingYourOpinions Phase Tips 1.Prepare thoroughly. Gather relevant information, facts, and examples supportingyourviewpoint. 2.Stateobjections clearly. Express disagreement clearly and concisely, avoiding ambiguity. 3.Use logical reasoning. Constructwell-structured arguments based on sound logic. 4.Provide evidence. Back objectionswith credible evidence: facts, research,expertopinions,orreal-lifeexamples. 5.Refuteopposingarguments. Approach opposing viewpoints logically and uncover anyflaws in their reasoning. 32 I Unit1 The ImportanceofSocialRelationships 33