
2. Discuss the above motions with your classmates and collectively select one for the upcoming debate. Motion: Before the Debate Step 1 Choose a Topic 1. Read the literature-related motions and then add your own motion to the list. Step 2 Choose Sides Determine whether you will adopt the affirmative or negative position. Step 3 Brainstorm and Research Take some time to brainstorm thoughts and ideas. Once you have a good understanding of the topic, start researching to find evidence to support your arguments. Literature should always have a moral lesson. The depiction of violence in literature should be restricted for young readers. Personal stories are more powerful than statistics. Note Choose a debatable topic that sparks interest and allows for opposing viewpoints. [pros] [cons] Joining the Debate moral lessons in literature inspire us to be better people make literature more meaningful offer ethical guidance limit creativity and imagination need to consider different cultural views can make stories less fun to read need to see literature as art encourage positive actions 58 I Unit 2 Tell Me a Story