
2 Answer the questions below about the reading. 3 Discuss these questions in a group. Share your answers with the class. 1. What is an analogy, and how can it help listeners understand complex ideas and concepts? 2. How can exaggeration make a story more engaging for listeners? 3. How can repetition be used to emphasize important points or themes in a story? 1. What are the benefits of retelling a story? 2. What are some challenges of retelling a story effectively? Practice Listen to the beginning of a short story and try to picture where the story is taking place and who the characters are. Then write your thoughts and share them with your partner. E Prepare to Listen Visualizing Stories Create mental images as you listen to the story. Visualizing the characters, settings, and events can help you better understand and remember the story. To use this strategy, you can follow these steps: 1. Pay attention to the details of the story. What are the characters doing? What are they saying? What is the setting? The more details you can remember, the better your mental image will be. 2. Use your imagination to fill in the gaps. Not all of the story’s details will be explicitly stated. Use your imagination to fill in the gaps and create a complete picture of the story. 3. Use your senses to enhance your visualization. What do you see, hear, smell, and feel? The more senses you use, the more vivid your mental image will be. 47