Read the opinions about the motion below and answer the questions. 1. Underline the main idea of each opinion. 2. What supporting ideas are given for each opinion? For Against Opinion Examples For S o c i a l me d i a e nh an c e s s o c i a l connectedness by providing various ways to communicate and connect with others. These ways include staying in touch with distant friends and family, as well as building new relationships. Studi es show that regu l ar us e of social media is associated with higher levels of social connectedness and support. Social media also facilitates the formation of online communities based on shared interests and values, providing a platform on which people can discuss topics they are passionate about and develop a sense of belonging. Furthermore, social media can be a powerful tool for social activism and community organizing, bringing together indiv idua ls with shared values and goals to create positive change. Although it may have some disadvantages, social media has the potential to foster social connectedness and bring people together. Against Social media does not enhance social connectedness but rather creates a false sense of it. While it allows us to keep in touch with friends and family members, these connec tions lack the richness and intimacy of face-to- face interactions. Spending too much time on social media can also lead to social isolation and loneliness, and research has shown that social media use is associated with increased levels of anxiety, depression, and stress. Moreover, social media mechanisms can contribute to the breakdown of community and social unity by creating echo chambers and discouraging open dialogue and debate. While social media does have some benefits, we must recognize its limitations and potential negative consequences. As a society, we should strive for genuine, meaningful connections and prioritize face-to-face interactions. Motion Social media enhances true social connectedness. From Presentation to Debate ro resentation to ebate Note echo chamber a situation in which people hear opinions of only one type or only opinions that are similar to their own 32 I Unit 1 The Importance of Social Relationships
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