C Listen again and fill in the notes. Greeting and Presenting Today’s Topic • today’s lecturer = Dr. SC = social connections • topic: the importance of in schools What is SC? • about quality of relationships + sense of • create feelings of + acceptance in community • about being + feeling like you belong Why is SC important for students? • affects = executive function, memory & attention, ability to creatively solve problems • critical for + physical health weak SC = depression, , substance abuse What can be done to promote SC in schools? • create culture of + belonging • reach out to others + be to new friendships • teachers + staff→ foster sense of • use to your advantage: social media Importance of SC • SC = essential for success, mental + physical health, overall well-being • need to prioritize SC in schools • create an environment where all feel , supported, connected Introduction Body Conclusion Focus on Form • This results in your being less able to listen, follow directions, and focus on complex learning. • However, if (it is) used responsibly, social media can help to break down barriers and create new connections. * Refer to the appendix (pages 156-161) for explanations and exercises. Source: The importance of social connection in schools (theeducationhub.org.nz) 27
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