
2 Answer the questions below about the reading. 1. What is working memory? 2. Can you give some examples of how working memory is used in our daily lives? 3. Why is working memory important for students? Practice From the table above, select and write the most suitable abbreviated expressions in the blanks. 3 Discuss the question below with your classmates. Do you think there are ways to improve working memory? If you have any ideas, share them with the class. E Prepare to Listen Note-Taking Skills 1. Write phrases, not full sentences. Record only the key words necessary to grasp the main idea. Keep essential technical or discipline-specific terms. 2. Take notes in your own words. Paraphrase what you hear so it makes sense to you—this helps you to understand and remember what you hear. 3. Use abbreviations. Abbreviations for words or phrases are useful for note-taking in lectures when speed is essential. = equals + and / or i.e. that is e.g. for example etc. and so on # number sb somebody sth something Human relationships flourish on mutual respect and empathy. In close friendships, , understanding and appreciating individual traits and habits is essential. This involves empathy, , the capacity to feel and share another person’s experiences, which strengthens the bond. Acknowledging these unique characteristics leads to deeper connections. Source: Techniques and Tips for Listening and Note Taking (www.student.unsw.edu.au ) 25