Read On 2 Expecting a Certain Outcome Makes It More Likely to Happen A self-fulfilling prophecy is an expectation or belief that can influence your behavior, thus causing the belief to come true. Research shows that merely expecting a certain outcome increases the chance that it will happen. For example, studies have shown that reminding someone they might forget something can actually increase the likelihood of them forgetting it. It is remarkable how easily our minds can be influenced. This phenomenon can have both positive and negative effects, depending on the nature of the expectations. The phenomenon in which higher expectations lead to an increase in performance has been labeled the Pygmalion effect. To sum up, the Pygmalion effect describes situations in which our high expectations improve our behavior and, therefore, our performance in a given area. This suggests that we perform better when higher expectations are set for us. 05 10 How can we use the Pygmalion effect to improve our own performance? Q5 A cat full of confidence can be as brave as a lion, and a lion lacking confidence can be as fragile as a cat. prophecy outcome behavior merely phenomenon New Words The Power of Expectations A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 21
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