1 . Read the provided text using the strategy of inferring traits or feelings of the characters. For each character, provide grounds or evidence from the text to support your inferences. Check Your Understanding A 2 . Discuss your inferences with a partner to check your understanding of the characters’ traits and feelings. Character Traits or Feelings Grounds / Evidence Cristina (1) (2) Jeronimo (3) (4) Lim Cheontaek (5) (6) Author (7) (8) Broaden Your View B Should immigrants assimilate into the local culture or preserve their own? STEP 1 Choose your position on whether immigrants should assimilate into the local culture or preserve their own. STEP 3 Present your arguments supporting either assimilation or cultural preservation. e.g. I support cultural preservation because it allows immigrants to keep their traditions alive, making our society more colorful and welcoming to all. STEP 4 Integrate both perspectives and discuss how aspects of assimilation and cultural preservation can coexist. STEP 2 Research arguments that support your position. Assimilation Cultural Preservation e.g. integration for better opportunities and unity. e.g. maintaining unique identity and enriching diversity. R eview 2 Preserving the Past, Celebrating the Present 115
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