
What happened to the Koreans who boarded the ship in 1905, thinking they were going to a better place because of misleading ads? Q2 After consulting multiple academic, governmental, and literary sources, I would learn the history behind her story. In 1905, 1,033 Koreans boarded a ship in the port city of Incheon, believing, mistakenly, that they were headed to a land of opportunity. In truth, they were being sold to work in Mexico as indentured servants. Describing Mexico as “Heaven on Earth,” the Continental Settlement Company, which was established to recruit Korean laborers, published entirely false advertisements across the Korean Peninsula, promising f i n a n c i a l f o r t u n e s , a n “elevated” social status in Mexico, and the option to return to Korea four years later. The 1,033 Koreans that signed up came from a variety of different social classes—poor peasants, homeless people, orphans, fishermen, retired soldiers, members of failed royal families, and priests. 05 10 15 consult indenture peninsula elevated peasant orphan priest New Words ‌British cargo ship S.S. Ilford took over 1,033 Koreans to Mexico on April 4, 1905. Preserving the Past, Celebrating the Present 107