
STEP 1 ‌Search for an example of something that has fostered patriotism in your country. Gather information from various forms of media. e.g. STEP 3 Make a presentation about what you learned during the interview. A Have you heard about the latest survey on K-pop? B No. Did it have any interesting results? A Well, it revealed that K-pop has 156.6 million fans. B Seriously? That’s amazing! How much of an increase is that? A It’s a 17-fold increase in just the last decade. B That’s mind-blowing! e.g. STEP 2 ‌Share your findings with your group and complete the table below. Communication Task 2 • I’d like to emphasize that ... . • I want to stress ... . • My point is ... . • ‌We have to remember that ... . • What I’m saying is that ... . • What I want to say ... . Function Example Details Type of Information Source Group Member Details Type of Information Sources Jason K-pop has 156.6 million fans, which is a 17-fold increase in the last decade. survey Hello, everyone! Today, I’d like to talk about the extraordinary global phenomenon of K-pop. According to a survey, K-pop boasts an amazing 156.6 million fans, a 17-fold increase in the last decade. In a recent documentary, the passion for K-pop was highlighted, revealing how fans are not only embracing the music but also learning the Korean language and diving into the entire Korean culture. I want to stress that K-pop’s influence knows no bounds, creating a remarkable global cultural connection. Thank you for your attention. Preserving the Past, Celebrating the Present 103