
1 S e c t i o n Choose one situation and talk with your partner using the dialogue in Speak Out. Complete the dialogue with the correct sentences from the box. Then practice it with your partner. Trainer Hi. I don’t think we’ve met before. Are you new here? Trainee (1) My name is Jake. Trainer Nice to meet you, Jake. I’m Jieun, and I’m a trainer specializing in personalized fitness plans. Trainee Nice to meet you. I want to start lifting weights, but I’m not sure how to begin. Trainer I see. Here’s a tip. Start with lighter weights and focus on form to reduce the risk of injury and achieve better results. Trainee Oh, I was actually planning on starting with heavier weights. Trainer (2) It can be risky, and you may hurt yourself. Trainee Okay. What about my posture? Trainer Your posture is important, too. Keep your back straight and chest up. To prevent back strain, avoid rounding your back. (3) Trainee Sure. You mean like this? Trainer Yes. That’s great form. Trainee Thanks for your help, Jieun. Trainer No problem. Don’t hesitate to ask for more help if you need it. ⓐ I wouldn’t recommend that. ⓑ Why don’t you give it a shot? ⓒ Yeah, I just signed up yesterday. The expression Why don’t you give it a shot? is a friendly way to make a casual suggestion and encourage someone to try something new. Tip Speaking Situation A Exercise : Using a treadmill Practical Tips • start at a comfortable walking pace • Posture keep your head up and look forward Situation B Exercise : Doing squats Practical Tips • focus on pushing your hips back as you go down • do not squat as if you‘re sitting in a chair Posture Speak Out Further Communication On Your Own On Your Own Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle 89