
Lesson Goals Communicative Functions Real-Life Task Culture 1 Everyday Conversations 친교를 위한 대화를 주고받고, 대중교통 이용 시 도움을 요청할 수 있다. Asking get-to-know-you questions What did you do last weekend? Asking for help Can you tell me which bus goes to City Hall? Weather Forecast Unique Transportation Around the World Transferring Between Subway Stations 2 Shopping in Daily Life 다양한 장소에서 쇼핑과 관련한 대화를 주고받고, 상품에 대한 불만을 말할 수 있다. Giving directions It’s in aisle 5 on the left. Making complaints I want to complain about a late delivery. How to Use the Self-Checkout Different Consumer Protection Policies Responding to a Customer Satisfaction Survey 3 Enjoying Tasty Times 식당에서 주문 내용을 확인하고, 음식이나 식당에 대한 만족과 불만족을 말할 수 있다. Asking for confirmation Can I get you anything else? Expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction Every dish was perfectly cooked and flavorful. The chicken is a little cold and salty for my taste. Ordering Food on the Phone Unique Food Etiquette Top Three Restaurants 4 Entertainment and Leisure in Everyday Life 여러 가지 여가 활동에 관해 대화를 주고받고, 좋아하는 것과 싫어하는 것을 말할 수 있다. Expressing expectations I’ve been looking forward to this concert! Expressing likes I really like swimming. Writing a Preview Post for a Musical Performance Unique Camping Sites Around the World Planning a Three-Day Leisure Trip 5 Using Public Services 공공 서비스 이용 시에 자신이 원하는 것을 표현하고, 사고가 일어났을 때 이를 묘사하며 대응할 수 있다. Expressing an intention or wish I’d like to open a bank account. Describing an event There’s been a car accident. How to Use an ATM USPS Forever Stamps Calling and Answering Emergency Calls 6 Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle 건강과 관련한 대화를 주고받고, 병원이나 약국에서 자신의 상태를 말할 수 있다. Making recommendations and suggestions Start with lighter weights. Expressing necessity You should wash your hands frequently. Conducting a Survey on Healthy Habits How People in Different Countries Stay Healthy Making an Appointment with a Doctor over the Phone