
Lesson Goals 단원의 주제와 관련된 질문에 대해 생각해 보고, 자신의 목표를 설정해 봅니다. Real-Life Task 1, 2 짝 활동 또는 모둠 활동을 통해 실생활에서 마주할 수 있는 다양한 상황에서의 의사소통 과제를 연습해 봅니다. Culture in Everyday Life 단원의 주제와 관련된 다른 여러 나라의 문화와 관련된 글을 읽고 의견을 나누어 봅니다. Communication Focus 단원에서 배운 의사소통 기능을 정리하고, 단원에서 나온 유용한 표현들을 점검합니다. Check Up 단원에서 배운 내용을 점검하고, Self–Check 를 통하여 학습 목표를 얼마나 성취했는지 스스로 평가해 봅니다. Basic 문항을 통해 단원에서 최소한 성취해야 할 목표를 달성했는지 확인합니다. Section 1, Section 2 단원의 주제를 두 가지 Section 으로 구분하여 학습합니다. Warm Up 을 통해 해당 Section 과 관련된 내용을 추측하고 배울 어휘를 익혀 봅니다. Situation A, Situation B 각 Section 을 다양하고 친숙한 실생활 상황 A, B 로 구체화하여 학습해 봅니다. • 각 상황과 관련된 동영상 자료로 학습자의 흥미를 유발하고 이해를 돕습니다. • Go Live 를 통하여 다양한 매체를 활용하여 효과적으로 의사소통해 봅니다. A MainCommunicativeFunctions Asking get-to-know-you questions Whatdidyoudo lastweekend? Iwentcampingwithmy family. Asking for help ☞Tobreak the ice,useget-to-know-youquestionsabout light topics in the formofwh-questionsoryes/no-questions. B UsefulExpressions Askingaboutplans Doyouhaveanyplans? When/Whereshouldwemeet? 1 Asking for informationabout transportation Howmanystopsare thereuntilCityHall? Couldyou tellmehow long thebus/train ride is? 2 Talkingabout thedirectionofabusorsubway Thisbus isgoing toward theConventionCenter. Youshould take the15heading toRiversidePlaza. 3 Write onemore examplewith the same communicative function. Excuseme. Canyou tellme whichbusgoes toCityHall ? Sure.Youcancatch the11over there. •Couldyou tellme ...? •Wouldyou tellme ...? •Canyouplease letmeknow ...? EverydayConversations 19 Unique Transportation Around the World Lookat thepicturesbelowandguesswhat thecorrect feature is. A ⓐno regularstops      ⓑnoengineormotor      ⓒautomaticdoors 1 2 Donotopen thedoorbyyourself. Thereare several reasonswhyJapanese taxidoorsopenand closeautomatically.As the size of taxis increased, taxidriverscouldno longeropen thedoors from thedriver’s seat.Automatic doorsdesignedbya company solved thisproblem. Inaddition tobeing convenient,automatic doorsencouragepassengers tosit in thebackseat, reducing thepossibilityofcrimes. Everywhere isastop. Youcangeta jeepneytostopbywavingatthedriveranywhereyouseeone.Whenyouwanttoget off, justsay,“ Para !”whichmeans“stop” inthePhilippines.Thedriverwillpulloveranywhereonthe route.Whenyoupay the fare,give it to thepersonnext toyou,and theywillpass ituntil it reaches thedriver. Ifyouneedchange,youwillget itbackthesameway. WhyarecablecarsaSanFrancisco icon? San Francisco’s cable cars are not only the world’s last manually operated cable cars but also thefirst, starting their run in 1873.Currently,only three lines are still inoperationdue to significantearthquakes in1906.Whatmakes thesecablecarsunique is that theyhavenoengine ormotor; instead, theyarepulledbycablesusingwheels thatare locatedunder the tracks. Read the followingpassage,andcheck youranswers. B Search the Internet to findanotherunusual typeof transportation,andpresent it to theclass. C Culture in Everyday Life Jeepneys (Philippines) CableCars (USA) Taxis (Japan) 3 20 Lesson1 1 Which is thebest response to theman’squestion? ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ Listen Basic 2 Wh t is thepurposeof theanno ncement? ⓐ to announce a train cancellation ⓑ topromote anew signal system ⓒ to apologize for adelayed train Listen 4 Which istheman’smost likelyresponsetothewoman’s laststatement? ⓐ I see.Here’smy credit card. ⓑ No problem.This ismy ticket. ⓒ Excuseme. Ididn’tgetmy change. 3 Which information isNOTmentioned? ⓐ thedestination ⓑ the arrival time ⓒ thegatenumber I 3-4 I Listen Listen to thedialogueandanswer thequestions. I 7-8 I Complete thedialogueandpractice itwithyourpartner. Ican talkabout theweatherand my interests. Ican talkaboutweekendsand makeplans. Icancommunicateeffectively when takingabus. Icancommunicateeffectively when takingasubway. Didyoucheckyourgoals? Whatneedsmoreeffort? ListeningSkills SpeakingSkills OverallCommunicationSkills Others: Self-Check In this lesson... 5 Couldyou tellmehow long the train ride is? Basic I 5-6 I Choose the right response foreachquestion from thebox. ⓐ It’s4 dollars and50 cents. ⓑ Itwas supposed tobe here40minutes ago. ⓒ Take theBlueLine andgo threemore stations. ⓓ It’ll take about30minutes. 6 Excuseme.Howdo Iget to theCentralParkStation? Basic Notatall Partially Completely Mostly Step 1 Listen to theweather forecastandcomplete theweather informationbelow. Listen Step 3 Present theweather information thatyourgroup researched inStep2 to theclass just like aweather reporter. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 3 / 14 Seoul 4 / 16 Daegu Morning Afternoon 8 / 15 Jeju-do 7 / 15 Busan Weather Forecast Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Step 4 Evaluate theothergroups’performance.Thenshare theevaluationswith theothergroups. Features Groups Contents Fluency Attitude Step 2 Makeagroupof four.Chooseacountryandsearch the Internet for informationon tomorrow’s weather for fourmajorcities.Thenpracticeweather forecastingwithyourgroup. Country City1 City2 City3 City4 Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 12 Lesson 1 Warm Up Writedownasmany typesof transportationaspossible.What is your favoritemeansof transportation,andwhy? A 2 S e c t i o n Public Transportation Completeeachshortdialoguewith the rightquestion from thebox. 1 A : B : It’s the fifth stop from here. 2 A : B :Go straight and turn right.You can find it on the corner. 3 A : B : It takes about two hours to get there. C ⓐ Can you tellmehow long the bus ride is? ⓑ Where is a ticketmachine? ⓒ Howmany stops are there until theNationalPark? Transportation subway bus Choose theword from thebox thathasasimilarmeaning to theunderlinedone. 1 That’s the buswe’rewaiting for.Let’s get on it. 2 Hurry up!The train is scheduled to leave in 15minutes. 3 You’regoing in thewrong direction.Catch the bus heading toCityHall. B take toward depart EverydayConversations 13 1 S e c t i o n Warm Up Small Talk Whichgroupof topics isappropriate forsmall talk?Andwhy? A Match theunderlinedphraseswith theirdefinitions from thebox. 1 Iwill binge onTV shows thisweek. Iwant towatch all the episodes ofmy favorite drama. 2 OnSunday, Iwant tohang out at themall.We can shop for clothes and have lunch together. 3 Iwill run some errands. I need to go to the post office, stop by the bank, and buy apresent. C Findwhichwordshaveasimilarmeaningandmatch them to thecorrectpicture. 1 cloudy • • Ⓐ • • ⓐ soggy 2 cold • • Ⓑ • • ⓑ chilly 3 wet • • Ⓒ • • ⓒ overcast B ⓐ to casually spend a lot of time in a place, usuallywith friends ⓑ to do something in away that is extreme and not controlled ⓒ tomake short trips todo necessary tasks GroupA finances religion age appearance GroupB weather sports food hobbies EverydayConversations 7 Get Ready TalkingAboutWeekendsandMakingPlans Whatdid themanNOTdo lastweekend? ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ Checkwhether the followingsentencesare true (T)or false (F). (1)Theman says that he has something to do thisweekend. T F (2)Thewoman asks theman to go see amovie together. T F (3)Theman prefersmeeting up in themorning. T F 2 Listen Up Which t peofmovi are themanandwomangoing towatch? ⓐ action ⓑ horror ⓒ comedy 1 Listenagain Fill in theblanks tocomplete the textmessage. 3 What are you going to do? What are you up to thisweekend? Hey,Daniel.How are you? I’m going to hanging outwithSusan. Hey,what’s up? Jackson Tounderstand thedetailsof theplan,pay attention to theexpressions thatsuggest something,suchas How/Whatabout this? Tip Listening Wearegoing tomeetup for and then . 10 Lesson1 Whichactivitydo themanandwoman like? ⓐ skiing ⓑ ice skating ⓒ snowboarding Talking About the Weather and Interests Get Ready Listenagain Fill in theblanks tocomplete the reporter’sweather forecast. 3 Listen Up What is theweather like today? ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 1 Whenyou listenagain, listencarefully towhen it rainsandwhen itsnows. Tip Listening Whichstatementabout theman isNOT true? ⓐ He likes the rain because it’s refreshing. ⓑ Hewill read some books thisweekend. ⓒ Hewillmeethis friends after the conversation. 2 Good afternoon.This isJames from IBCNews. Welcome to theweather forecast. Itwill rain on (1) and (2) , and itwill snow on (3) . Please be carefulwhen you drive.You can see theweathermap here. … 8 Lesson 1