
Q6 According to Kéré, what are the reasons the school should be constructed first? demonstrate illiteracy rate erection stabilize “You have to have a dream, start small, and believe.” Kéré has demonstrated that the contribution of one architect can truly change a community in an extremely poor country, even one with such a high illiteracy rate. “In my practice, the biggest challenge was how to explain the design and drawings to people who can neither read nor write. Thus, I gave young members of the community the opportunity to collaborate on the erection of the school and become trained in the construction process. These workers have used these new skills to build schools and housing in other communities, helped themselves stabilize economically, and at last dreamed of their futures. That’s why the school has to be the first building before the rest. As a true place for learning, it is the basis for the whole development of this small rural village in West Africa.” Now, children in Burkina Faso go to school to learn. If they enjoy the experience, it could open new doors for the children’s futures. Maybe, like Kéré’s personal story has shown, this can change the history of the community. 5 10 Gando Primary Schoo l Extension C l assroom in Gando Primary Schoo l 95