Thirteen years later, he moved to Germany on a carpentry scholarship. While studying architecture in Germany, he decided to use his knowledge to build a new school in his home village. Some said it would have been easy and enjoyable to stay in Berlin, where he had his training. However, he didn’t. Although he lived and studied far from his native homeland, Kéré’s thoughts always remained with his people. As he said in one of his lectures, young Kéré — walking a long distance to attend school — returned home on holidays. At the end of every visit, he made the rounds to all the villagers to say goodbye. At each stop, the villagers gave him a penny — often their last penny — as a parting gift. The pennies were their way of contributing to the boy’s education, hoping that he might be successful and one day come back and help improve the quality of life in the community. During his study abroad, he never forgot the contributions of the community which had supported him. Even after hearing the news about the award, he credited his success to his community in Gando. “Without their dedication, my project could not have been completed,” he said. 5 10 15 Q3 Why did Kéré mention the episode about villagers? carpentry make the rounds credit Without their dedication, my project cou l d not have been comp l eted. 91
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