
6 AFTER YOU READ 본문 내용의 요약, 세부사항 파악, 추론 등으로 이해 정도를 확인합니다. 7 LANGUAGE FOCUS 단원별 핵심 어법 및 표현을 이해하고 활용문제를 풀면서 자연스럽게 익힙니다. 8 INTERACTION 의사소통기능을 중심으로 단원 주제에 대한 자신의 의견을 정리하여 표현합니다. 9 CULTURAL TASK 단원 주제와 관련된 실용적이고 흥미있는 형식의 컨텐츠를 만듭니다. 10 WRAP UP 영역별 평가를 통해 단원에서 학습한 내용의 최소 수준의 성취도를 스스로 확인합니다. 11 CULTURE IN ART 단원 주제와 관련된 재미있고 유익한 배경지식 자료를 확인합니다. AFTERYOUREAD A Fill in theblanks to tellabout thecountries’NewYear’sEve traditions. B Read the sentencesandchooseT(true)orF(false). C Complete thedialogue startingwith the letters,using the informationprovided. Rachel: Hey,Aditi,what shouldwedo thisweekend? Aditi: How about going for apicture? Rachel: Going for apicture?Whatdoes thatmean? Aditi: In IndianEnglish,weuse “picture” tomean “m ”. Rachel: Oh, got it!Before themovie, couldwemeet in front of the lift at themall? Aditi: Lift?Oh, youmean the e . Sure! Rachel: Yes, exactly! In Singapore,we use theBritish term “lift”.Anyway, I need to eat somethingh towarmupmy body at the cinema. Aditi: Heaty?What’s that? Rachel: It’s a Singlish term,meaning “foods thatmake the bodyhot”. Aditi: DifferentEnglish expressions for each country—quite interesting! 1. Koreansusuallywatch theBosingakbell-tolling ceremonyonNewYear’sEve. T F 2. Dinner for One is a popular NewYear’s EveTV show that is broadcast in variousEuropean languages throughdubbing. T F 3. The Songkran festival inThailand is celebrated in themiddle ofwinter to combat the cold. T F 4. Non-native speakers canhave theirownversionsofEnglish. T F Englishwordsused differentlybetween the US and the UK Englishexpressions commonlyusedamong Indians Englishexpressions commonlyusedamong Singaporeans AE(AmericanEnglish) truck BE(BritishEnglish) lorry IE (Hinglish) spacy meaning spacious IE (Hinglish) dining leaf meaning leafusedasaplate IE (Hinglish) picture meaning movie,film SE (Singlish) heaty meaning food thatmakes thebodyhot SE (Singlish) stingko meaning smelly SE (Singlish) catchnoball meaning confused AE potatochips BE crisps AE elevator BE lift 3 . New Year’s Eve Traditions 1 . Mexico We eat a with each of the twelveclockbell strikesat on December31. 2 . Germany We watch a TV show called forOne and have Marzipan , whichare snacks in the shapesofpigs. Themomentof theNewYear’s arrival is signalizedby the drop above the tower. 4 . Thailand We bring and splashwater to celebrate the NewYear . theUS 22 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes 23 Day 1 Day2 Day3 Sample EiffelTower (France) Cappadocia (Türkiye) GhibliMuseum (Japan) Onyourown Sample boatingon theSeine hot airballoon ride watching animation Onyourown Sample baguette kebab ramen Onyourown Sample plane,metro plane,bus plane,metro Onyourown SAMPLE Choose three countries you’d like to visit, spending one day in each country, and createan imaginary itinerary. CULTURALTASK Pickplaces youwish to visitandfill in theblankson your travel itinerary. Planninganoverseas trip STEP 1 Assuming youare traveling to thecountriesbelow,complete the sentences. DAY 01 Depart fromKoreaby plane and arrive inFrance. Travel bymetro to visit theEiffelTower. Take an evening boat ride on theSeine. Enjoy a baguettewatching theEiffelTower. DAY 02 Depart fromFrancebyplane and arrive inTürkiye. Travel bybus tovisitCappadocia. Experience a hot airballoon ride. Enjoy a deliciouskebab in the cafeteria. DAY 03 Depart fromTürkiye byplane and arrive in Japan. Travel bymetro to visit theGhibliMuseum. Watch animatedmovies. Enjoy a ramenmeal at the airport. DepartTokyoby plane to return toKorea. 3-DayTravel ItineraryHighlights Complete your imaginary travel itinerary andgiveapresentation. STEP 3 DAY 01 photo Depart from ___________ and arrive in ___________. Travel by _________ to visit _________. Enjoy _______________________. DAY 02 photo Depart from ___________ and arrive in ___________. Travel by _________ to visit _________. Enjoy _______________________. DAY 03 photo Depart from ___________ and arrive in ___________. Travel by _________ to visit _________. Enjoy _______________________. Depart___________ by plane to return toKorea. ONYOUROWN 3-DayTravel ItineraryHighlights Serengeti (Tanzania) Dubai (UnitedArabEmirates) ArtScienceMuseum (Singapore) Depart from andarrive in . Travelby to visit . . Enjoy at/in (the) . STEP 2 HONOR Research in detail about the travel destination and present it to your classmates. On yourown landmark(country) activity transportation food (country) (transportation) (food) (landmark) (leisureoractivity) (landmark) (country) What is special about __________ (traveldestination)? SEARCH 28 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes 29 A VOCABULARY Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrases from the box. Change the form if necessary. 1. I’m trying to the significanceof theDragonDance inChineseNew Year. 2. A:Haveyouever tastedauthentic Italiangelato? B: ,nohing compares to it! 3. ForadeeperunderstandingofJapanese tea cer monies, thisguidebook. 4. When visiting India, one can choose to explore the colorful festivals of thenorthor thepeaceful riversof the south. B USEFULEXPRESSIONS Practice thekeysentenceusing theexpressions from theboxbelow. C COMMUNICATIVEFUNCTION D GRAMMARPOINT INUSE •Thiswater festival, calledSongkran, is theperiod when Thaipeople celebrate theBuddhistNew Year. •Can you showme an outlet where I can charge it? 1. Brazil is the country (when /where) they celebrate Carnivalwith vibrant parades and colorful costumes. 2. Thanksgiving is the season (when /where)Americans gatherwith their families to say thanksand shareaheartymeal. 3. Hanami is (when / celebrate / theJapanese / the season )blooming cherryblossoms. Hanami is blooming cherryblossoms. Choose theone tocomplete thesentence. Rearrange thewords tocomplete thesentence. Across 1. relating to the sun orutilizing its energy 2. a socket in awall for connecting an electricaldevice 3. a thin soup, oftenwith vegetables or rice in it 4. an expression for thediverse and legitimateway non-natives speakEnglish 5.ananimal symbolizing luckonNewYear’sEve inGermany 6. to replace the original voice on a film or television recording Down 7. an expressionused towish someone goodbye 8. aNew Year’s Eve tradition, particularly inNew York’s Times Square 9. a traditionalKorean bow performed during the Lunar NewYear to show respect to elders b f s w E s d o p 1 2 4 7 3/8 5 9 6 So l ve the crossword puzz l e using the c l ues. • Whatdoes thatmean in Indian English ? • Idon’tknowhow to say it in Singaporean English . 표현요청하기 Howdoyousay that inAmericanorBritish English? LANGUAGEFOCUS abs lutely I either I refer to I figure out 24 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes 25 WRAP UP A Listen to thedialogueandanswer thequestions. B Read theconversationandanswer thequestions. Jiwu: Welcome to BukchonHanok Village!We Koreanswatch the Bosingak Bell Tollingatmidnightandsomewatch thesunriseonN wYear’sDay. Andy: In theUS,we have the Times Square ball drop onNew Year’s Eve, complete withfireworksandperformances. Jiwu: I sawaK-popstarperform thereonce! Lukas: InGermany,wewatch an old English show called Dinner forOne everyNew Year’sEve. It’squite famous inEurope,butnot inEnglish-speakingcountries. C Fill in theblanks in thepassageaboutworld traditionsusing thewordsbelow. Across the globe, cultures have unique thatmark special times and places.Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is the timewhenHindus celebrate the victory of over darkness, illuminating their homeswith vibrant lamps. InWestern cultures, during , streets and gardens become placeswhere children eagerlyhunt forbrightly colored eggs, representingnew life and . Easter rebirth light traditions 1. What specialeventdoAmericansdoonNewYear’sEve? 2. WhichEnglish showdoGermans traditionallywatcheveryNewYear’sEve? 1. After eatingdurians,Annadescribedher feelingas: ⓐ overjoyed ⓑ overheated ⓒ excited ⓓ refreshed 2. According toLiam,what isa “jeepney”? ⓐ A typeof cycle inSingapore ⓑ A traditionaldance in thePhilippines ⓒ A colorful taxi found inSingapore ⓓ Aminibus found in thePhilippines CULTURE IN ART HONOR “Auld Lang Syne” is a popular song,particularly intheEnglish- speakingworld.Traditionally, it is sung tobid farewell to theold year at the stroke ofmidnight onNew Year’s Eve. The lyrics werewritten byRobert Burns in 1788but isbasedonanolder Scottish folksong. Christmas NewYear’sEve Si l entNight (byViggoJohansen1891) New Year’s Eve (from The IllustratedLondonNews 1907) AuldLangSyne Shouldauldacquaintancebe forgot,andneverbrought tomind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll Paintings and Music About Special Days Birthday Wedding The Birthday (byMarcChagall1887) The Arno l finiWedding (byJan vanEyck1434) take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne. 30 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes 31 Whenmeetingpeople fromdifferentcountries,howdowecommunicate?Right!Through English,ourglobal language.ResearchEnglishexpressionsused indifferentcountriesusing AIandutilize them tomakeadialoguewith yourpartner. A ThinkaboutWorldEnglishesusingAI. INTERACTION Think-Pair-ShareusingAI Jimin: Ibought some snacks from themarket, and the seller added someex saying“Jara”. Uzo: Oh,hegave you some Jara? Jimin: Yes, that’s theword! Jara.Howdo you say that inAmericanorBritish Uzo: Itwouldbe something like“a littleextra”or“abonus”. We call it“bo Jimin: By theway,Uzo, Ioverheard the seller callinghisboss“Oga”. Whatd Uzo: Ah,“Oga“! InNigerianEnglish,“Oga” refers to abossor someone in authority. It can alsobe a signof respect. Jimin: That’s interesting!So, it’s likehowwemight say“boss” inAmerican English. B Make a dialogue in pairs about the unique English expression country you’ve researchedusingAI. C Share it in yourclass. 1. Think about unique English expressions used in the following four countrieswith your partner. 1. Act out the dialogue you’ve madewithyourpartner. 2. After sharing,you canfill in the chart. 2. UsingagenerativeAIprogram,writeaprompt tofindEnglishexpressions t atareuniquely used in the countryyou’ve chosen. Sample NigerianEnglish Onyourown prompt * What are some expressions unique to NigerianEnglish ? What are some expressions unique to ? re ponse Certainly! Nigerian English has several expressions unique to the country. “Jara” refers to an added bonus or something extra. “Oga” refers to a boss or someone in apositionof authority. * A “prompt” is a statementorquestionused to elicit a responseor action in the contextofAI. Tip Youcanask theAI if thereareanyawkwardspots in theconversationa NigerianEnglish PhilippineEnglish NewZealandEnglish MalaysianEnglish Jara? O •NigerianEnglish •PhilippineEnglish •NewZealandEnglish •MalaysianEnglish Sample Jara, Oga ENGLISHES UNIQUEEXPRESSIONS 26 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes WRAP UP A Listen o thedialogueandanswer thequestions. B Read theconversatio andanswer thequestions. Jiwu: Welcometo BukchonHanok Village!We Koreanswatc the Bosingak Bell Tollingatmid ightandsomew tc thesunriseonNewYear’sDay. Andy: In theUS,we have the Times Square ball dr p onNew Year’s Eve, complete withfireworksandpeformances. Jiwu: I s waK- opstarpeform thereonce! Lukas: InGermany,wewatch an old Engli show called Dinner forOne veryNew Year’sEve. It’squite famous inEurope,butnot i Engli h-speakingcountries. C Fillin theblanksin thepassageaboutworld tradition using thewordsbelow. Across the globe, c ltures have unique hatmark special times and places.Diwali, also know asth Festival of Light, is the timewhenHindus celebrate the victoryof over darkness, illumi ating their homeswith vibrant lamps. InWstern c ltures, during , streets and gardens become placeswhere childr n agerlyhunt fo brightly color d eggs, prese ti gnew life and . Easter rebirth light traditions 1. What special ventdoAmericansdoonNewYear’sEve? 2. W ichEngli showdoGermans traditionallywatch veryNewYear’sEve? 1. Aft r eatingdurians,Annadescribedh r feelingas: ⓐ overjoyed ⓑ ov rh ated ⓒ excited ⓓ freshed 2. AccordingtoLiam,what isa “jeepney”? ⓐ A typeof ycleinSingapore ⓑ A traditionaldancein thePhilippines ⓒ A colorful taxi foundinSingapore ⓓ Aminibus foundin thePhilippines CULTURE IN ART H NOR “Auld Lang Syne” is a opular song,particularly intheEnglish- speakingworld.Traditionally, it is sung tobid far well o theold ye rat the strokeofmidnight onNew Year’s Eve. The lyrics werewritten byRobert Burns in 1788but isbasedo anolder Scottish folksong. Christmas NewYear’sEve Si l entNight (byViggoJoha sen 891) New Year’s Eve (from The IllustratedL donNews 1907) AuldLangSyne Shouldauldacqui tancebe f rgot,a dneverbrought tomind?Should auld acqu i tanc be f rgot, and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll Paintings and Music About Special Days Birthday Wedding The Birthday (byMarcChagall1887) The Arno l finiWedding (byJ vanEyck1434) take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne. 30 I Unit1 WorldTraditio sandWorldEnglihes 31