CULTURE IN ART This musical is about the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The show tells the story of a musician named Orpheus, who falls in love with Eurydice and must travel to the underworld to rescue her from Hades, the god of the dead and the king of the underworld. Orpheus and Eurydice, Edward Poynter GREECE Thi s mus i cal i s based on the story of Aida, an Egyptian princess, and her love for Radames, a Nubian captain. It happens i n a t ime when Egypt and Nub i a had problems, and it’s all about their love mixed with the conflicts between the two places. A scene from the musica l Aida EGYPT Take a l ook at the musica l posters be l ow. Each of these two musica l s is inspired by either Egyptian or Greek mytho l ogy. Musicals Inspired by Mythology 81
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