
Features World Traditions and World Englishes Unit 1 ViewingandWatching CultureFocus Reading •holidaysaround theworld •differentEnglishaccents universalityand diversityofculture (문화의보편성과다양성) •NewYear’sEveAround the World •WorldEnglishes LanguageFocus Interaction CulturalTask Culture inArt •Howdoyousay that in~ English? •where Icancharge think-pair-share usingAI planning anoverseas trip paintingsandmusic aboutspecialdays Big Idea Big Idea 새해첫날을맞이하는각나라의전통과 나라별로다양하게사용되는영어를통해, 문화의 보편성 과 다양성 을이해할수있다. 9 8 1 UNIT PREVIEW 각 단원의 주제 및 학습 전개도와 언어 재료를 확인합니다. 2 VIEWING and WATCHING 시청각 자료를 통해 주제에 대한 이해도를 높입니다. 3 CULTURE FOCUS 핵심 문화개념을 예시를 통해 확인합니다. 4 BEFORE YOU READ 시각자료와 쉬운 과업을 통해 본문에 대한 배경지식을 학습합니다. 5 READING 흥미롭고 새로운 문화 소재의 글을 읽고, 필요한 정보를 파악하거나 통합 · 정리하는 능력을 기릅니다. AmericanEnglish vs. BritishEn C Watch the videoclipandanswer theq B Listen to thedescriptionsandchoose theappropriate thumbnail. A Match theappropriateexplanations to thepictures. 2. Which typeofEnglishwasNOTmention ⓐ AustralianEnglish ⓑ SouthAfri 1. There are7countrieswhereEnglish is s Go topage 177 andput the stickerson the We all have our ownways of celebrating holi even thoughmany of us speak English, the the country. DoYouKnow? VIEWINGandWATCHING •Holidaysaround theworld •DifferentEnglishaccents TOPIC 3. Fill in theblanks.The 1st letterhasbeen Englishasan Inter Themajorityof theworld’spopulationusesor learn Philippines English as ano language (2nd USA English as an language (1st language) GreenChicagoRiver ChicagoRiverturnsgreen onSt.Patrick’sDay for festivecelebrationand Irishtradition. ChristmasMistletoe Whenpeoplestand beneath it,theyare encouragedtokiss,as it isbelievedthat lovewill blossom. VeniceCarnivalMasks Theywereusedtobreak downsocialhierarchies andallowpeopleto participateanonymously. Hi! I’mfrom SouthAfrica. 1 ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 2 3 10 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes CULTUREFOCUS While there are universal aspects of culture across theworld, there are also diverse aspects unique to each culture. The same goes for English.While thereareundoubtedlycommonalities inEnglishes,avarietyofEnglisheshave emergedas the language isusedglobally. UniversalityandDiversityofCulture A Explore the interestingmarriage traditionsofcountriesaround theworld. Choose the sentence that reflectsauniversality sharedbyall fourcountries. ⓐ Inall cultures, thebrideandgroomdanceat theirwedding. ⓑ Friendsandguestsareallwishing thenew couplewell. ⓒ Breaking somethingatawedding symbolizesgood luck inall cultures. ⓐ RishiSunak (BritishPrime Minister) ⓑ YunaKim (formerKorean figure skater) ⓒ AnneHathaway (American female actor) ⓓ MalalaYousafzai (Pakistani female education activist) B The four individuals in the picture all speak English, either as their native languageor as their foreign language.Listen to the speeches and identifywhose speech it is. C Choose the corresponding expressions from theUS or theUK for the following KoreanEnglishexpressions. treadmill physicalaffection convertible mechanicalpencil Rice toss: Throwing rice to the couple at the end of thewedding is a tradition in many countries, including theUS. Dollar dance: While the couple dances during thewedding celebration,money is tossed, handed, or pinned by each of theirguests. Polterabend: The guests break dishes to bring luck to the couple’smarriage.The bride and groom are expected to clean up thebrokenpieces together. Tie cutting: Friends of the husband cut a piece of his tie and hold an auction to raisemoney for the couple. Germany Philippines Italy 샤프: 오픈카: 러닝머신: 스킨십: 1. 2. 3. 4. USA 12 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes 13 bow miscommunication socket 1. Ensure thedevice isoff, thenplug the cord into thewall for safety. 2. The world is filled with cultures, each offering unique perspectives and traditions. 3. Let’s yourbirthdayat thebeachwithallour friends. 4. Their constant made it seemas if theywere speakingdifferent languages. 5. Before she left forheroverseas studies,weheldamemorable party. 6. At theendof theperformance,all theactors cameoutand tookapolite . BEFOREYOUREAD A Guess themeaningof the followingwords.Fill in theblankswith theproperwords. farewell celebrate diverse New Year’s Eve Around the World High school students from various countries gathered in Seoul to go on a tour of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Today, they visited Changdeokgung Palace, Palace of Prospering Virtue and enjoyed the charm of a Korean traditional village. AsDecember 31st drew to a close, Jiwu lit a bonfire in the yard andwelcomed her international friends to amemorablenight. Jiwu: Welcome to Bukchon Hanok Village! Let’s say farewell to the year gone by and welcome the new year. I’m delighted to share this special evening with all of you. We Koreans usually watch the Bosingak bell-tolling ceremony at midnight. Some people also prefer to stay up and see the first sunrise of thenew year. Andy: That’s quite similar to our iconic tradition in theUS— the ball drop inTimes Square. It’s the main highlight of the New Year’s Eve celebrations in New York City. The countdown leads up to the ball slowly going down, and is accompanied by bright fireworks and live shows. Reading 5 10 15 20 Q1 WhatNewYear’s traditionsdid Jiwu andAndy share from their respective countries? heritage charm bonfire farewell toll iconic lead up to accompany B Lookat thepicturesaboutworldcultureandcheckwhat youhaveheardof. BallDrop inTimes Square (US) DinnerforOne (Germany) Twelve luckygrapes (Mexico) Songkran (Thailand) Bosingak be ll -to ll ing Ba ll Drop in TimesSquare 14 I Unit1 WorldTraditionsandWorldEnglishes 15 bow miscommunication socket 1. Ensure th device isoff, thenplug the cord into thewall for safety. 2. The world is filled with c ltures, each offering unique perspectives and traditions. 3. Let’s you birthd yat th beachwithallour friends. 4. Their consant made it seemas if theywere speakingdifferent languages. 5. Before sh left forherov rseas studies,w helda emorable party. 6. At theendof th peformance,all theactors cameoutand tookapolite . BEFOREYOUREAD A Guess themeaningof the f llowingwords.Fill in theblankswi theproperwords. far well celebrate div rse New Year’s Eve Around the World High school students from various countries gathered in Seoul to g on a tour of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Today, they visited Changdeokgung Palace, Palace of Prospering Virtue and enjoyed the charm of a Korean traditional village. AsD cember 31st drewto a close, Jiwulit a bonfirein the yard andwelcomed her international friendsto a emorablenight. Jiwu: Welcome to Bukchon Hanok Village! Let’s say far well o th year gone by and welcome the new year. I’m delighted to share this special ve ing with all of you. We Koreans sually watc the Bosingak bell-tolling c remony at midnight. Some people also prefer to stay up and see the fir t sunriseof th new year. Andy: That’s quite smilar t our iconic tradition in theUS— the ball dropinTimes Square. It’s the main highlight of the New Year’s Eve celebrations in New York City. The countdown leads up to the bal slowly going down, and is accompanied y bright fireworks and live shows. Reading 5 10 15 20 Q1 WhatNewYear’s traditionsdid Jiwu andAndy shae from their r spective countries? heritage charm bonfire farewell toll iconic lead up to accompany B Lookat thepicturesaboutworldc ltureandcheckwhat youhav heardof. BallDrop inTimes Square (US) Dinne forOne (Germany) Tw ve luckygrapes (Mexico) Songkran (Thailand) Bosingak be ll -to ll ing Ba ll Drop in TimesSquare 14 I Unit1 WorldTraditio sandWorldEnglihes 15