
Q2 According to the passage above, what are some geographical characteristics of Indonesia? taboo inhibit microbe fungus 5 10 15 Most of us are Muslims, so we follow the Islamic dietary law called “halal.” We don’t eat pork, for example. Instead, we use a lot of chicken and shrimp in our nasi goreng. Lintang Marga Indonesia, Nasi Goreng Our next destination is an Eastern country, the largest archipelago* in the world, Indonesia. This country lies along the equator, and it has a tropical climate. Since most of the people are Muslims, they usually use chicken and seafood for their cooking. Nasi goreng is a Southeast Asian fried rice dish and it's one of Indonesia’s national dishes. Spicy Indonesian nasi goreng , like paella , is a rice dish using leftovers. According to folk tradition, the practice of frying rice with leftovers came to Indonesia through trade with China. This trade relationship flourished during the 10th to 15th centuries and brought thousands of Chinese immigrants with it. Chinese people usually prefer freshly cooked hot food and have a taboo against throwing away unused ingredients. As a result, these Chinese immigrants in Indonesia often re-cooked the previous day’s rice for breakfast the next morning. Frying also inhibited the spread of dangerous microbes and fungi, especially before the invention of refrigerators, and meant the immigrants didn’t have to throw away food. *archipelago: 군도 CHINA INDONESIA 41