
Q7 Why is it okay to have different ways of speaking English? convey Fah: After listening to what you said, I think I’ll start using English freely even though my Thai English is often different from your Englishes. Lukas: Right. Even among native-speaking countries, there are various English expressions. In the UK, they say “queue” for “line” and “loo” for “toilet”. Andy: Exactly. Come to think of it, my Australian friend I met last year said “arvo” for “afternoon” and “defo” for “definitely”. At first, I had no idea what he meant. Jiwu: Even among native speakers, there are English expressions that can be misunderstood between people. Even though we come from different countries, we can communicate in English, introduce our New Year’s traditions to one another, and even experience them together! I’m really proud of that. Andy: Just like with “consent” for “outlet”, there might be miscommunication. However, if we approach one another’s English with respect and make an effort to understand one another, we can convey our intended meanings effectively. Nicole: Precisely! Just as all cultures should be respected, all the variations of English deserve the same respect. 5 10 15 I had to wait in a long “ queue ” to buy the tickets. 21