
Q5 What did Jiwu initially think Andy was referring to when he asked about an “outlet”? absolutely enchant diverse outlet socket consent Jody Orcher 5 10 Jiwu: Good morning! How was our bonfire chat on New Year’s traditions? Nicole: Absolutely enchanting. Celebrating the New Year with such a diverse group was unique. Jiwu: That warms my heart! Was your night in the hanok comfortable? Andy: Quite cozy. However, my cell phone battery died last night, and I couldn’t find an outlet in the room. Can you show me an outlet where I can charge it? Jiwu: Oh, your handphone died? By the way, why are you suddenly talking about a clothing discount store? Nicole: I think Andymeant “outlet” as in a “socket” to plug into. Jiwu: A socket to plug into? I got it! Andy is looking for a “consent” for charging. Lukas: Consent? I see! In Korea, what’s referred to as a “socket” is called a “consent”. Come to think of it, Jiwu calls a cell phone a “handphone”. Actually, in Germany we ca l l it “handy” or “mobi le telephone”. It’s amusing how the same thing has various English names. Jiwu: That’s funny! When Andy called it an outlet, I just thought of a discount store. Indeed, English expressions differ by region. We call an outlet or a socket a “consent” in Korea. For your phone, Andy, there’s a consent under the chair. World Englishes 15 20 19