
성을 대표하는 귀중하고 중요한 문서와 기록물을 보존하고 이에 대한 접근성을 제공하기 위한 유네스코의 프로그램으 로, 직지, 조선왕조실록, 훈민정음 필사본 등이 한국의 세계 기록유산에 속한다. C ⓒ D 1. ⓑ 2. (1) harmony with nature (2) hospitality and generosity (3) a symbol of craftsmanship Culture Focus p. 87 B Q1. Zimbabwe ― One person claps once, and the second person claps twice in response. Peru ― Shake hands and put an arm around the shoulders. Then put the right hand on the other person’s stomach. Q2. Without understanding the shared culture in a country, people can’t anticipate the actions of others nor act appropriately. Q3 . A community ’ s unique greeting is often a reflection of its identity, history, cultural values, members’ interactions, etc. Before You Read p. 88 A 1. ventilation   2. collaborate 3. empower 4. community 5. transform   6. contribute B Q. He was named the winner of the Pritzker Prize. Reading p. 89 Q1. He was recognized for empowering and transforming communities through the process of architecture. Q2. It was an overheated and overcrowded classroomwith poor lighting and ventilation. Q3. To explain why he credited his success to his community in Gando. Q4. People realized that they could do it themselves and had a strong attachment to the building. Q5. He mainly focused on creating a flow of the air. Q6. The school can provide educational opportunity to children and train young members of the community in the construction process, which helped them stabilize themselves economically. The school is the basis for the whole development of this small rural village in West Africa. After You Read p. 96 A ⓑ – ⓐ - ⓒ B (1) traditional clay (2) primitive (3) poor (4) withstand (5) modern concrete (6) abundant (7) temperature-regulating Language Focus p. 98 A (1) ventilation (2) community (3) withstand (4) horizontal (5) skeptical (6) illiterate (7) outstanding (8) impoverished C 1. should have been 2 . couldn’t have won 3. should refer Interaction p. 100 A (1) ask relevant questions (2) Stick to the agreed-upon schedule (3) dress appropriately C ⓑ―ⓒ―ⓐ Wrap Up p. 104 Warm-up question ⓑ 1. The French regard the baguette as the result of skillful craftsmanship. 2. cultural sharedness 3. Pritzker Prize 4. 예시답안 Research the person, which helps you ask relevant questions. 5. Let me begin my presentation[speech] with these pictures. 170 I Appendices