은 그 시대의 사회 가치와 필요성을 반영하면서도 법적 사 고의 진화를 보여 준다. Before You Read p. 64 A 1. mythology 2. preserve 3. memorial 4. spell 5. marsh 6. cradle of civilization Reading p. 65 Q1. It’s considered an icon of British culture. Q2. Merlin suggested that the giant monument on top of Mount Killaraus in Ireland would be perfect for the memorial. Q3. He muttered to himself at the center of the stone circle and rearranged the ropes, pulleys, and levers. Q4. It’s dedicated to Isis, her husband Osiris, and their son Horus. Q5. She has to protect her son Horus from Seth, the god who killed her husband. Q6. The wealthy woman saw the seven scorpions and became scared. Q7. She recited a magical spell. After You Read p. 72 A ⓐ―ⓓ―ⓕ―ⓑ―ⓒ―ⓔ B (1) ⓓ (2) ⓔ (3) ⓒ (4) ⓑ (5) ⓐ (6) ⓕ C Q1. Horus Q2. Egypt Language Focus p. 74 A 1. ⓔ 2. ⓒ 3. ⓓ 4. ⓐ 5. ⓑ B 1. passes[passed] on 2. cannot[couldn ’ t] bear to 3. is[was] dedicated to 4. muttered to herself D 1. most of whomwere tourists 2. one of which was the indigenous language of the region 3. some of whom had traveled from overseas to participate Interaction p. 76 A ⓒ―ⓐ―ⓑ B ⓒ―ⓑ―ⓐ C ⓑ―ⓒ―ⓐ Wrap Up p. 80 Warm-up question ⓒ 1. 예시답안 Thanks to the written languages, we have recorded historical events over a long period of time and the culture has been preserved. 2. 예시답안 Britain consists of Scotland, England, and Wales, while the United Kingdom includes Britain and Northern Ireland. 3. Geoffrey of Monmouth 4. Merlin 5. Osiris and Horus 6. They played the role of guardians. 7. T 8. is located in 10. some of which lead to lifelong friendships UNIT 4 Culture for Humanity, Community for All Viewing and Watching p. 84 A 1. ⓑ, ⓒ 2. ⓐ, ⓒ B 1. ⓑ 2. ⓒ 3. ⓐ World knowledge about the activity UNESCO World Heritage Site (유네스코 세계유산) 유네스코는 세계유산 협약을 제정하고 관리하는 중앙 기구 로, 이 협약을 통해 탁월한 보편적 가치를 지닌 문화유산과 자 연유산을 식별하고 보호하기 위한 틀을 확립한다. 1. 유네스코 세계유산은 문화유산과 자연유산을 모두 아우르 는 것으로 한국에는 불국사, 제주 화산섬과 용암동굴, 남한 산성 등이 있다. 2. 무형문화유산은지역사회와연관되어있으며, 세대를이어가 며 끊임없이 재창조되며 정체성과 연속성을 부여한다. 판소 리, 가곡, 아리랑등이한국의세계유산으로지정되어있다. 3. 세계기록유산은 다양한 사회의 집단 기억과 문화적 다양 169
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