Joy: Ah, yoga helps to unite the community. Tim: Right. That’s why all ages, genders, classes, and religions have practiced yoga together for so long. Joy: Wow! It is not surprising that yoga has been added to UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage list. Tim: Well, I’ll begin by asking whether people think it is a piece of cultural heritage or not. Joy: That’ll be interesting. Good luck to you. Tim: Thanks. D W: Good afternoon, everyone. Today I’m going to talk about the value of cultural heritage. Let me start with these pictures. This is a picture of truff le hunting. To people from other countries, it can be an interesting activity to look for truff le mushrooms but to the Italians, it means more than just fun. Italians regard truff le hunting as being in harmony with nature. The next picture shows the Arabic coffee culture. Coffee is quite common, and I also drink some coffee in the morning. However, to the Arabs it is culturally important to provide others with coffee because coffee culture shows their hospitality and generosity. Last but not least, look at this picture of a baguette. A lot of people enjoy bread quite often, but in France, the baguette is not just bread but symbolic of skillful craftsmanship. French people think only skillful experts can make a perfect baguette. Interesting, isn’t it? Due to the originality and recognizable features in these cultural activities, UNESCO added them to the intangible cultural heritage list. World knowledge about the activity Truffle hunting (트러플 헌팅) 트러플은 일반적으로 참나무와 같은 특정 나무의 뿌리에 붙어 지하에서 자라는 곰팡이의 일종으로, 독특하고 강렬한 풍미 로 인해 고급 요리에 사용된다. 트러플 사냥에는 훈련된 동물, 주로 예민한 후각으로 향기를 감지할 수 있는 개나 돼지가 사 용된다. 동물이 트러플을 발견해 트러플 사냥꾼에게 이를 알 려 주면 사냥꾼이 조심스럽게 땅속에서 트러플을 추출한다. 트러플 사냥은 트러플이 발견되는 지역에서 전통적으로 행해 지는 관습으로, 지식과 기술, 그리고 훈련된 동물의 도움이 필 요하다. Wrap Up p. 104 Warm-up Question W: Yesterday, I watched a documentary about Arab coffee culture. M: Coffee culture? What’s it about? W: Arab people provide coffee to visitors as a symbol of generosity and friendship. M: Interesting! But what if I don’t enjoy coffee? What should I do? W: Don’t worry. When it comes to coffee culture, it means coffee or tea. M: Great. I think coffee might have a social role in their culture. W: Right. While having a coffee or tea, they build relationships with others and resolve conflicts. M: Coffee must be an important part of life. UNIT 5 Winds of Change Viewing and Watching p. 110 C W: Have you ever watched TV programs for children? Even though you don’t watch them anymore, you probably still have the good memories and familiar characters in your 162 I Appendices
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