received votes, reflecting . and followed , obtaining and votes, respectively. In conclusion, this survey result indicates that . 항 목 자기 평가 잘한 점 개선할 점 발표의 목적과 요지를 분명하게 밝혔는가? ☆☆☆☆☆ 시각 자료의 제시 시점과 내용이 적절했는가? ☆☆☆☆☆ 발화의 크기 및 빠르기가 적절하고 명료했는가? ☆☆☆☆☆ 청중에게 골고루 시선을 분산하고 자연스럽게 상호작용했는가? ☆☆☆☆☆ SELF-CHECK Complete your own data analysis. STEP 3 Data Topic Introduction Go o d mo r n i n g . To d a y, I w i l l ma k e a presentation on the results of my survey. This infographic shows as voted for by 50 high school students. According to the survey, , , and were recognized as the most influential in shaping world culture. received votes, reflecting . and followed , obtaining and votes, respectively. In conclusion, this survey result indicates that . This is the end of the presentation. Greeting and Introduction 1 st Data Analysis 2 nd Data Analysis Conclusion Second data analysis 153
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