WRAP UP A Listen to the lecture and choose the appropriate topic. ⓐ the significance of driving social and cultural changes ⓑ the importance of paying attention to cultural changes ⓒ reasons why world culture has been rapidly changing ⓓ difficulties faced by people who don’t adapt to changes sample On your own changing area how to pay how it has changed frequently using the smartphone NFC function to pay what causes it popularization of smartphones and advancement of technology HONOR what to expect next I expect biometric data to be used for payment. C When it comes to cultural change occurring in our society over time, what do you think of? How has it changed and what are the causes of the phenomenon? Share your ideas with your partner. Teens, Social Media, and Technology % of US teens who say they have access to the following devices 73 smartphone gaming console desktop / laptop computer 95 87 90 81 80 2014-15 2022 B Look at the graph and choose the sentence that is incorrect. The graph above shows the findings on the use of digital technologies by teens in 2014-15 and in 2022. ⓐ Smartphones, desktop and laptop computers, and gaming consoles remain widely accessible to teens. ⓑ Over the period, US teens‘ most preferred device has shifted from desktop and laptop computers to smartphones. ⓒ Since 2014-15, there has been a 22 percentage point rise in the share of teens who report having access to a smartphone. ⓓ While teens’ access to a smartphone has increased over roughly the past eight years, their access to other digital technologies, such as desktop or laptop computers or gaming consoles, has changed relatively little. ⓔ Among the devices, gaming consoles only show the slightest increase from 2014-15 to 2022. 130 I Unit 5 Winds of Change
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