
C Read the examples of ESG policy and answer the questions. Q1. What are articles [A] and [B] about? Choose the topic from the box. deceiving and misleading consumers with green claims commitment to protecting the environment Q3. Research other domestic and international examples of companies’ ESG policies. Q2. Read the two articles below and choose which of the following applies to [A] or [B]. Case 1 [ A ] [ B ] Case 2 [ A ] [ B ] Despite annually launching eco-friendly collection and recycling programs, a global fashion company faces criticism that a substantial portion of collected clothes have been dumped in landfills, with less than 1% being reused. A prominent cosmetic corporation has stores for environmentally conscious shoppers. Customers can buy products using refillable containers made from recyclable coconut shells, cutting plastic usage by 30%. Thank you for not letting fashion go to waste. # CONSCIOUS For a more suitab l e fashion future. [A] Zero Waste It aims to send nothing to landfills by mi n imi z i ng consumpt i on , maximizing reuse, conserving all resources, and not burning or burying them. [B] Greenwashing It’s a fa l se c l aim intended to trick c on s ume r s i n t o t h i nk i ng t ha t a c o mp a n y ’ s p r o d u c t s a r e m o r e eco-friend l y than they actua ll y are. 123