
Q4 What are consumers likely to do against companies that haven’t carried out the ESG promise? have to do with when it comes to empower along the same lines The “S” has to do with social issues, such as standing up against discrimination or inequality. When it comes to the social element, some companies believe it is crucial to advocate for social justice issues. The “G” is related to how organizat ions are managed. In t h i s regard , compan i e s t r y to enhance the diversity of employees, emphasizing their ethical practices and so on. ESG is more than just an idea; it’s a framework that empowers e xe c ut i ve s and consume r s t o make a meaning ful impac t on the world. Consumers demand that companies meet their high expectations and are more likely t o buy f rom c omp an i e s w i t h ESG commi tment s . Al ong the same lines, they have discontinued purchasing products from companies that treat employees, communities, and the environment poorly. ESG is no longer a set of regulations to be followed, but a matter of survival. The world never stops changing, and neither does our society. In a rapidly changing world, are you going to ride the winds of change or get left behind? By understanding the significance of social issues and factors, you can be the change- makers of tomorrow. 25 ENVIRONMENTAL Climate Change Natural Resources Pollution and Waste Biodiversity GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance Corruption and Instability Executive Pay Board Diversity Business Ethics SOCIAL Human Rights Supply Chain Standards Labour Management Health and Safety Human Capital Development ESG 5 10 15 20 121