
CULTURE IN ART Architecture in Movies Th e r e a r e a l o t o f a r c h i t e c t u r e wo r k s i n sp i r i ng fi l mmakers as a fi l ming l ocation, a background, or a historica ll y and cu l tura ll y meaningfu l l andmark. TAJ MAHAL – Agra, India A Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, built the Taj Mahal to house the tomb of his wife. It was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. LA LA LAND - dancing on the hill GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY – California, USA A key location where the main characters from the movie ‘La La Land’ perform an iconic and visually stunning dance. CHRIST CHURCH COLLEGE – Oxford, UK The historical college is where Harry Potter practiced broomstick flying with his friends. HARRY POTTER Animated Movie ALADDIN 105