
CULTURAL TASK There are many talented, world-renowned people who go abroad but return to their homelands and contribute to their country. Now you are going to research a person and write a presentation script. Look at the sample below. Writing a presentation script SAMPLE Read the presentation script. Persona l information name/ nationality/ citizenship/ etc. Persona l effort or contributions to deve l op in his[her] fie l d Professiona l area / occupation Today, I’m going to talk about the person who contributed to the development of classical music in Korea. Let me begin with this video clip. (Geum Nansae’s speech to the audience at his concert.) As you saw, Geum Nansae is a Korean classical music conductor. He has served as a conductor for several orchestras. He has put lots of effort into changing the way people think about classical music and attracting new audiences to concerts. Not only did he tell stories related to classical music pieces, but he also created a concert in collaboration with young artists. During Geum’s appointment, one of the orchestras saw a major jump in the number of performances and the size of its audiences. As a result, he contributed to bringing classical music closer to the public as well as developing the quality of classical music. That’s all I’ve prepared. Thank you for your attention. Do the research. STEP 1 Intro (Visual aids) Personal information Wrap-up What he [she] has achieved Personal efforts to develop in his[her] field i What the person has achieved / their reputation within their society, etc. 102 I Unit 4 Culture for Humanity, Community for All