
Field Activity Check Up Culture Famous Tourist Attractions 작성한내용을짝에게말해본후서로평가해봅시다. STEP 3 ITHINK ... MYPARTNER THINKS ... 환영인사말에필요한내용을모두포함했나요? 환영인사말의영어발음이정확하고자연스러웠나요? 짝과환영인사말을생각해보고완성하는활동에적극적으로참여했나요? Hello,everyone. STEP1에서생각한내용을바탕으로외국인관광객들을환영하는인사말을써봅시다. STEP 2 IntroducingYourselfasaTourGuide FieldActivity 관광안내원이된진수가외국인관광객들을환영하는인사말을하고있습니다.진수의인사말을참고하여,외국인 관광객들을환영하는인사말을생각해봅시다. STEP 1 S Hello,everyone.Letme introducemyself.Myname isNam,Jinsu. I’m fromArirangTravel. I’mveryglad tobeyour tourguide,and Iwelcomeyou all toKorea. Ihopeyou’llenjoyyourstayhere. Ifyouhaveanydifficulties during the tour,please feel free tocomeandseemeanytime.Thankyou. 14 I PART Ⅰ BasicConversation Self-AssessmentScale CORRECTANSWERS 0-3 4-8 9-10 COMMENT COMPLETEREVIEWREQUIRED PARTIALREVIEWREQUIRED EXCELLENT B Choose the right response for each question or statement. 1. Howdoyoudo? ( ) 2. Seeyou later. ( ) 3. Thankyou foreverythingyou’vedone. ( ) 4. Take careofyourself. ( ) a.Goodbye. b.Howdoyoudo? c.Mypleasure. d. You, too. BASIC BASIC BASIC A Listen and answer the questions. 1. Whichpicturebestfits thedialog? 2. Whatwill themando tomorrow? ⓐ Fly toLondon. ⓑ Packhis luggage. ⓒ Havedinnerwith thewoman. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ C Complete the following introductionbyfilling in the blanks. Letme introducemyself.My 1. isHwang,Mira. I’m 2. Pan-AsiaTravel. I’m very 3. to meet you, and Iwelcome you all to Korea. I 4. you’ll enjoyyour stayhere. CheckUp BASIC Lesson1 Greetingand Introduction I 15 Q Whichmeasurement system isbetter? Give your own opinion. Metric System vs. Imperial System Themetric system and the imperial system are two differentmeasurement systems for things like distances, volumes, andweights. Since not all countries in theworld use the same measurement system, it’s important tounderstandboth. Themetric system is a decimal system of units based on themeter as a unit length, the kilogram as a unitmass, and the second as a unit time. The imperial system is a system of measurement inuse in theUnitedKingdom andotherCommonwealth countries consistingof units such as the inch, themile, and thepound. Since somany countries use themetric system, itmight leave you wondering, “Who still uses the imperial system?”Only three countries in theworld use the imperial system ofmeasurement exclusively: Liberia,Myanmar, and the United States. Specifically, the measurement system used in theUnited States is also called the (U.S.) customary system. Actually, theonlydifferencebetween the imperial system and the (U.S.) customary system is in a fewvolumemeasurements. Whydoesn’t theU.S.use themetric system?When themetric systemfirst started tobeused, all industries in theU.S.were already setupusing the imperial system.Therefore itwould take a lot of time andmoney for businesses,manufacturingplants, and the country’s infrastructure to change course.Switching an entire country to themetric system can takedecades. FundamentalUnitsComparisonChart Measurement MetricUnits ImperialUnits long length meter/metre mile,yard short length centimeter/centimetre foot, inch mass/weight gram ounce,pound volume liter/litre gallon,pint,quart METRIC SYSTEM Measurementsona ruler: centimeters Measurementsona ruler: inches IMPERIAL SYSTEM Culture Self-Check □ Icangreetsomeoneandintroducemyselfor someoneelse. Didyouachieveyourgoals? Whatneedsmoreeffort? □ Icantalkaboutweather,time,andnumbers. □ Icantalkaboutlocationsandgive directions. □ Icanmakephonecallsandappointments. 40 I PART Ⅰ BasicConversation T heMont-Saint-Michel isavery famousplace inFrance that lotsofpeople like to visit. It’son an island in themiddleof a big bay,whichmeans there’swater all around it.You can get to the island bywalking on a road that goes across thewaterwhen the tide is low,orby takinga shuttlebuswhen the tide ishigh. The island is known for its beautiful old buildings, especially theMont-Saint-MichelAbbey.Theabbey isvery tallandhasbeen there forhundreds of years. It’s so special that it’s even listed as a UNESCOWorldHeritageSite. Mont-Saint-Michel in France When you visit theMont-Saint-Michel, you canwalk around theold streetsand seeall sortsof interesting things, like shops and restaurants. But theMont-Saint-Michel isn’t just famous for its pretty buildings and views of the bay. Long ago, a bishop namedAubert said that an angel namedMichael told him to build a church on the island. Aubert listened and built the church, andmany people came tovisit it. Famous TouristAttractions Over time, the island became an important place for people tomake pilgrimages to,whichmeans they traveled there for religious reasons. The island also becamea strong fortressbecause itwas so important. Today, people still go to theMont-Saint-Michel to see what itwas like a long time ago. It’s very popular because it’s like stepping back in time to theMiddleAges,when peoplebuiltbig churches and forts and traveledon foot. If youeverget thechance tovisit theMont-Saint-Michel,you shoulddefinitelygo! Self-Check □ Icangreesomeoneandintroducemyselfor someoneelse. Didyou chieveyourgoals? Whatneedsmoreeffort? □ Icntalkaboutweather,time,andnumbers. □ I ntalkaboutlocationsandgive directions. □ I nmake hnecallsandappointments. FamousTouristAttractions I 41 짝 활동 또는 모둠 활동을 통해 실제 관광 현장에서 마주할 수 있는 다양한 상황의 문제를 해결해 봅니다. 다양한 문제를 통해 학생들 스스로 단원에서 학습한 내용을 확인 및 점검합니다. 문항을통해단원에 서최소한성취해야할목표 를달성했는지확인합니다. 단원의 주제와 관련된 다른 여러 나라의 문화를 살펴봅니다. 세계의 유명한 관광지를 알아봅니다. Self-Check Self-Check를 통하여 학습 목표를 얼마나 성취했는지 스스로 평가해 봅니다. Self-Check □ I can greet someone and introduce myself or someone else. Did you achieve your goals? What nees mor effort? □ I can talk about weather, time, and numbers. □ I can talk about locations and giving directions. □ I can make phone calls and appointments.