
Listen to the dialog and answer the questions. 1. Which picture shows the weather this morning? 2. In which season does this dialog take place? ⓐ In the spring. ⓑ In the summer. ⓒ In the fall. 3. Which city’s weather is the man describing? ⓐ Seoul. ⓑ NewYork. ⓒ London. Practice the dialog with a partner. Use the given expressions. A Listen and Do B Talk Together ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ •mild: 온화한 •flowering season: 개화기( 開花期 ) •below freezing: 영하( 零下 )의 Situation 1 Talking About Weather A: How’s the weather in ? B: It in the . A: Then how about in the ? B: It in the . City London Seoul Oslo OnYour Own Summer is hot but dry is sunny and hot is cool and dry OnYour Own Winter usually rains a lot is cold and dry often snows heavily OnYour Own 18 I PART Ⅰ Basic Conversation