Example • a traditional stone statue in the shape of an old man • dolhareubang OnYour Own $ 3 • a pillow to help cool you off • jukbuin \ 34,000 \ 8,200 Listen to the dialog and answer the questions. Practice the dialog with a partner using the given expressions. A Listen and Do B Talk Together •arts and crafts: 공예품 •separately: 따로따로 A: Welcome. Can I help you? B: I’m just looking around. Oh, excuse me. What is this? It’s lovely! A: This is a traditional Korean hairpin. It’s called binyeo in Korean. B: I like it. How much is it? A: It’s 8 dollars. How many do you need? B: I’ll take these two. Situation 1 Selling Products at Traditional Markets 1. What does the woman purchase? ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 2. How much does each one cost? ⓐ $3. ⓑ $10. ⓒ $30. 3. Who does the woman purchase the souvenir for? ⓐ Family. ⓑ Friends. ⓒ Coworkers. 178 I PART Ⅴ Sales Service
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