Example Situation 1 Serving Drinks at a Café Listen to the dialog and answer the questions. 1. Where does this conversation take place? A Listen and Do ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 2. What did the woman order? ⓐ One regular iced coffee and one slice of chocolate cake. ⓑ One small hot coffee with an extra shot and one slice of pepperoni pizza. ⓒ One large iced Americano with an extra shot and one slice of cheesecake. 3. How much will the woman be charged? ⓐ $10. ⓑ $12. ⓒ $24. Practice the dialog with a partner. Use the given expressions. B Talk Together A: Welcome to Coffee House. What would you like to order? B: I’ll have an iced latte, in a regular size, please. A: Sure. Would you like any additional flavors or toppings with that? B: I’d like to add caramel syrup to my coffee, please. A: All right. One regular-sized iced latte with caramel syrup. Anything else? B: Yes, I’d also like a slice of tiramisu. A: Great choice! For here or to go? B: For here, please. •topping: 요리 위에 얹거나 치는 것 •extra: 추가의 •regular: (사이즈가) 보통의, 표준의 Drinks Flavors or Toppings Desserts • a hot drip coffee, in a small size • one small-sized hot drip coffee • whipped cream • a slice of chocolate cake • a hot cappuccino, in a regular size • one regular-sized hot cappuccino • cocoa powder • a brownie • a cold brew, in a medium size • a medium-sized cold brew • maple syrup • two macarons 138 I PART Ⅳ Food and Drink Service
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